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blue sunbird

Jan 12, 2009
has anyone seen a blue sunbird? i encountered one in colossus boulevard today. i approached it and it just flew away. I was just wondering if it's actually common or something rare and what it means.

Dec 31, 2008
That is a minion summoned by an Ice student as part of learning a new spell. I have never seen it anywhere else. There are other creatures to be seen around Wizard City when a student is getting a new spell, such as a unicorn in Unicorn Way, a firecat in Olde Town, a seraph in the commons, a fire serpent in Cyclops Festival Park, a storm serpent outside the library, a Storm Lord (i believe) in the Shopping District and a Frost Giant at Elik's Edge in Colossus Blvd. You will no doubt summon a minion to help you get a spell soon.

Jan 12, 2009
i realized that i had seen it with my ice wizard after i had read your message. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

Jan 28, 2009
oh good i was wondering what ice spoke to for enrollment thx. and by the way balance talks to this person in the lake in the commons.