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Best Amulet in Game

Jun 08, 2014
So I know the best amulet in the game is supposed to be Amulet of Divine Influence, but I also know there's like a 1% chance of getting it, so what amulet would you guys recommend I farm for? PrometheanNecromancer

Jul 18, 2009
It will depend on your play style and if you're doing PvP or PvE. I like amulets with good health/mana boosts but some people get them for the cards. Some people really like mastery amulets and for death, a balance amulet might be really useful. I think what would be most helpful is to ask yourself if you really like having beefy offense, defense, critical, block, health, or something else, and whether you're going to do PvP or not.

Once you know which aspect of your stats you want to focus on, you can do some research on W101 central's wiki (any school amulets for levels 90+ here: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Category:Level_90%2B_Any_School_Amulets#axzz3vv7ZfrC9 and death school-only amulets here: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Category:Death_School_Amulets#axzz3vv7ZfrC9). Duelist101 also has lots of good articles on gear setups, including amulets, that I couldn't possibly list all of them here. :P Good luck!