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Aquila Dungeons Too Hard?

Sep 02, 2012
I just reached lvl 30 and got access to Aquila. I realized it was based of Greek mythology, and that's why Prof. Drake sends you. Anyway, not the point here. The point is, I normally find a group of four to go into Aquila. Problem is, they always leave. As soon as we get to the first boss, they all either flee, or we argue on who goes first. It ends up being me, then they all leave as soon as I go first as some sort of prank. I have a friend who volunteered to help, but she is never on. I don't see why my other friends don't want to help because they get rewards. Is this happening to you guys?

Hunter LifeLeaf

Apr 17, 2009
It's a side world that is meant for the hardcore dedicated players, as for Wysteria being a side easy world along with Grizzleheim.

Dec 13, 2012
Ok so first of all I recommend that you get to a higher level first, thats what I did when aquila opened I already had nova and ra but if you have youre higher level spells you wont need anyone else .

William SilverDust, Level 85

Jul 03, 2010
Plantini on Dec 2, 2013 wrote:
I just reached lvl 30 and got access to Aquila. I realized it was based of Greek mythology, and that's why Prof. Drake sends you. Anyway, not the point here. The point is, I normally find a group of four to go into Aquila. Problem is, they always leave. As soon as we get to the first boss, they all either flee, or we argue on who goes first. It ends up being me, then they all leave as soon as I go first as some sort of prank. I have a friend who volunteered to help, but she is never on. I don't see why my other friends don't want to help because they get rewards. Is this happening to you guys?

Hunter LifeLeaf
Clearly when a new area/world comes out that is the best time to get it done, if you are unable to get the quest then it's a pain. Once that ship has sailed you do deal with things like pad hoppers, people very picky on who they will let in with them, being called a noob, etc.

I have actually stood around and ran a few though that just wanted to get it done after I have completed it. I have been waiting till lvl 40/50 on my wizards so I could solo it if need be. At a higher level the first instance can actually be fun to run.

If you still haven't gotten it done let me know time zone, realm, date and time you maybe able to meet up with, all I ask is that we don't activate the high level side boss in there. I am eastern time and prefer Scarecrow realm. Allow a few days for posting here.

The gear is most useful for lvl 30/35 so if you wait too long it's pet food or share banked.


Oct 30, 2011
Aquila should be for level 70+ cause Aquila is impossible for level 30

Aug 01, 2010
I really don't see what the big deal is. On all of my wizards I have gotten Mount Olympus done at level 30. I either ask some of the friends I see a lot (friends whose names I can remember) or tell a high level on my friends list that I am desperate. If they make excuses ask someone else. If worst comes to worst go to the arena or the pet hatching place and make a public announcement that you need help. One of those things always works.