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Aquila Drops

Dec 23, 2009
I get why they make stuff hard to get and have to do a dungeon multiple times. But when you fight a boss, (Gladiator in Mount Olympus, for over a day of gameplay trying to get Alpha and Omega ring) and your friends gets it twice in a row after only doing it 4 or 5 times is that even fair? I have been doing this for so long this is what happened. First time someone got it. First try okay lucky again someone who already had it gets it again. Okay? Then you keep going and the people that already have it keep getting it? and as the group changes the new people get it on the first few trys? and i am sitting here like? where is mine? I have been here the longest. I even am the one that kills it 95% of the time. Lucky for me i have friends that keep helping even after they got it.

Jul 03, 2010
Master Wizard710 on Aug 9, 2014 wrote:
I get why they make stuff hard to get and have to do a dungeon multiple times. But when you fight a boss, (Gladiator in Mount Olympus, for over a day of gameplay trying to get Alpha and Omega ring) and your friends gets it twice in a row after only doing it 4 or 5 times is that even fair? I have been doing this for so long this is what happened. First time someone got it. First try okay lucky again someone who already had it gets it again. Okay? Then you keep going and the people that already have it keep getting it? and as the group changes the new people get it on the first few trys? and i am sitting here like? where is mine? I have been here the longest. I even am the one that kills it 95% of the time. Lucky for me i have friends that keep helping even after they got it.
In this game and I guess in other games in general it's considered fair because you have the same "chance" of the item(s) dropping to you as they do to them?

Unlike in real life where if you put the same time and energy into something you would usually get the same results as the other person does.

I have gotten more things in the game that someone else with me wanted then the things I wanted so it's just the way the game goes. I farmed that boss 3 times for the armor pet because I wanted to start with a 1st generation one and got the ring and didn't even know it was worth anything - almost fed it to pet. The other person with me got the pet in the first fight. I try not to put too much value on virtual items. Many of the things we think we need - my wizards are usually questing with out them.

I do admire any one with the time and fortitude to repeat these instances so many times though. Having others to run it with may help with the boredom.


May 12, 2009
Hello Master Wizard710,
Even though you're ranting here, I would like to put your argument into a bit more perspective. My top three wizards are a Theurgist, a Necromancer, and a Thaumaturge. Back when I was farming Waterworks for gear, it took my Theurgist a very long time to get the cape. It took my Necromancer an even more painful amount of time to get the boots, but I swear I picked up around forty hoods and capes. On my Thaumaturge, it was a breeze, only taking me about five times to get all my gear.
The game isn't against you. It's all just pure, dumb luck. Don't give up, though!
Best of luck!

~Shannon Skybreaker

Sep 19, 2013
It's absolutely fair because you have the exact same chance as they do. You could very well get it on your first time while helping your friend for the hundredth time. Oh, and who kills the boss doesn't affect drops at all, everyone has the same chance to get it.