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Adding 'slang' terms and numbers to filtered chat

Dec 31, 2011
For those people stuck with filtered we all know the frustration of not being able to say key things. An example would be numbers... Its so irratating saying 'tree thousand' or 'fur tea' Like just let us say numbers. Also, this game has alot to do with quick communication. And typing out paragraphs like an english professor is annoying. I want have the option of saying 'u' as in you, 'r' as in are and so on. One last thing is removing apostrophe on contraction words, that stuff is annoying. Yeah I know its proper grammar, but I dont wanna use that in a game man

Feb 06, 2010
Gavin SpellBright on Apr 21, 2019 wrote:
For those people stuck with filtered we all know the frustration of not being able to say key things. An example would be numbers... Its so irratating saying 'tree thousand' or 'fur tea' Like just let us say numbers. Also, this game has alot to do with quick communication. And typing out paragraphs like an english professor is annoying. I want have the option of saying 'u' as in you, 'r' as in are and so on. One last thing is removing apostrophe on contraction words, that stuff is annoying. Yeah I know its proper grammar, but I dont wanna use that in a game man
The use of numbers are restricted to underage chat for the sole purpose of preventing someone from releasing there age, phone number, and home address. Sharing that information would be inappropriate, thus players who use age 13-17 chat are not allowed to use numbers in their sentences.

Mar 09, 2018
I understand why they filter numbers but the thing with the apostrophes, that's dumb. Not even all the contractions are filtered, you can say "im" but you can't say "cant" or something like that.

Mar 16, 2012
As the others mentioned, numbers are filtered to protect privacy. As for using texting abbreviations, it's better to use your plain English so that everyone can understand you.