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Abandoned House Drops

Oct 15, 2008
So, I've ran this dungeon many many times since early this morning (It's now evening) hoping to get some vanguard gear for at least one of my wizards and i have received no vanguard drops whatsoever. Is this normal. I have received more than enough housing items and a ton of musical scrolls that i am now just feeding to my pets. Why so much junk. I already spent 9 months farming empyrea dungeons for paradox gear and jewels and now you want an even longer run at catacombs gear? Why, for gods sake?

Oct 15, 2008
I have now ran this enough times on my life wizard to earn enough reagents to craft the dragoon hat and still have not received any vanguard hat whatsoever from any school. That's 200 / ~6 = ~33 runs. for one wizard. the other 100 reagents comes from all the initial quests to get to the point of farming any dungeon so the 200 are strictly from farming for 2 days with no rewards at all.

Oct 08, 2018
I personally had better luck getting the vanguard stuff from Viggor's drake, but I've also been in groups where another player got some from Prince Viggor. Honestly, the drop rate, or the lack of, in this game is something I've complained about since I had to farm for waterworks gear.

Feb 21, 2010
Well, I have ran this on various wizards all the way to crafting dragoon boots from scratch and the hats drops on average one in a hundred runs. It might be nice to put some of the loremaster spell drops in here to make it somewhat interesting since the only other reason to run it is to accumulate enough reagents for crafting and to hear other people gripe about how boring it got long ago.

Feb 21, 2010
I am noticing a lot of wizards doing the first fight then go afk for the rest of the dungeon. i thought this was odd so i looked into it and found out that they still get the 3 reagents for dungeon completion when the remainder of the team defeat the final boss. The final boss is also quite buggy as well as in the minions stack on the boss in his position making it hard to get an accurate minion count when attacking. It looks like people would recieve the reagents in any dungeon even if they are afk for the entire dungeon run.

Oct 15, 2008
Why do I need a hundred chase lounges, or thousands more of worthless pet snacks or even thousands more catacombs music box themes when i can only use one of each. Why so much extra farming only to receive multitudes of this extra junk? You guys and gals are making this game so much more complicated than it needs to be. just put the dragoon gear reagents in the crown shop with all the other reagents and rake in the cash from it. who cares if it makes it pay to win, you've already made it that way anyways.

Jul 22, 2016