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Wizard101 suggestions box-- game improvments

Oct 21, 2018
Hi, I have been okaying w101 for years now and just got to level 50 on my life wizard. The list below are some of my thoughts on what could be changed. However, I do want to say w191 is super fun and an awesome game!

1. The capacity to auto select your self when you try to buff and or heal and you are the only person battling.
This also goes with in the case you are targeting an enemy with dmg the mob is just by itself

2. More accurate quest arrow. It is only partly reliable in some quests and I can't tell where its taking more. Does the arrow work of sidewalks or the shortest path to the quest destination?

3. Allow key binds to set your controls the way you like them (I realize the letter J opens the crafting as a short cut but you should be able to change J to whatever you want

4. If you are running solo their should be a 1.25 to 1.5 battle animation increased. This would make some of the monotony easier for sum quests that ask to fight multipole times.

5. Reduce the size of all fairies aggro. It is insanely large and different from all else trash mobs,

6. This one may not be taken seriously but I wish they would fix the character and increase the places they can go. For example, if there is a tiny bump to get access somewhere it should be smoothed over. Just some small quality of life change

7. Improve sidewalks. I feel like im running with my face smeering every sidewalk and paths to avoid aggro.

8. Easier to obtain certain perm mounts without crowns. A mount is essential for all wizards that we have long roads to travel

9. Transformations keep your mount speed (preference for me honestly lol)

10. ?

Overall, the game is still awesome these are just the things I thought of while questing to lvl 50