So i was thinking, there should be a sacrifice pips spell, where you give all your pips to your team members. So they can use them. :)
I think there should be a new realm where a world is filled with houses and your wizard could move into one, and there would be apartments, and there is different themed houses. Like azteca,Grizzleheim, Wizard city, The price for one of these houses are: Small one: 1000 Gold (You can move in with 2 other people)
Medium: 5000 Gold or 900 Crowns (you can move in with 4 more people)
Mansion: 10000 gold or 1200 crowns: You can move in with like 10 other people.
Just think of it like neighborhoods. Other people can visit your house :) (Setting for friends only) And you should be able to mark a place if you wanna have a sleepover there.
Also, Please make a hair salon/ makeover with eye changing, et
For spell ideas, I'm thinking some new ones would be for the Greek/Roman gods and goddesses,(see one of my other posts in the Dorms) and each school, INCLUDING THE CELESTIAL, would have a corrosponding partner in the myths. I'll leave it to the others in the forum to improve on that idea. Can I have some feedback?
And, for a new world, it could be that the Roman gods have gone evil and we need to ally with the Greek gods to save the spiral! Except the Greek/Roman thing would be kind of weird considering that they're different aspects of the same thing. But, as for the spells, it could be like the gods have given us permission to use them in battle! It would have to be either a really, really long world (one part for each god/goddess) or one world split into two parts. Like, Olympus 1 and Olympus 2!