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Wizard101 movie; Looking for cast

Aug 31, 2016
Hey everyone! I'm looking for anyone who may be interested in partaking to be a cast member in a Wizard101 movie. To give a good observation of what it will look like, it will be something like what SpiralCreations would make on YouTube 6 years ago. There are bigger roles and smaller roles, so whether you want a quick background scene or to be in the spotlight as the protagonist, many options are available. There are a few different plot ideas, and I'll fill you in if you're interested. Feel free respond to this or add me on discord (Sparck: removed Discord number. Sorry, but we can't promote private contact details in the forums).

There are several small requirements that are needed:
- For bigger roles, you must have open chat (smaller roles are fine with text chat).
- You must be active on Wizard101 (exceptions for people with smaller roles in the movie).
- You must have discord.
- You must be reliable - An issue I have encountered before and the reason I wasn't able to continue filming.
- Some characters in the film may require specific outfits. Ex: A villain may need a mask with a black robe, or the protagonist may need something that looks casual like a guardians robe, jester's robe, etc. This means you may need gold if in need of any purchase for the part (We can always work around this in different ways if necessary).
- You must be respectful to everyone.

Most importantly at the end of the day, this is all for fun Let me know if you would like to consider being in it!