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Wizard101 lacks end game play

Aug 21, 2009
When Celestia was yet to come out I asked if there would be end game play and was told there would be a lot of end game play when Celestia is out. I'm sorry, but adding a new world is not end game play as you soon reach maximum levels again and run out of content. PvP is considered to be viewed as end game play but the PvP system needs a major over haul simply to make it fair and fun to play. An end game tower that randomly generates very difficult bosses and boss fights that get harder and harder the higher up in the tower you go would be considered end game play. Player ranking boards could also be considered as part of end game play but none of these exist. A clan system and a clan ranking system and clan wars are also end game type material. Player vs. player, and player vs. A.I., contests and matches of different types of games and activies can also be viewed as end game type material if they existed. One time obtainable items that are obtainable in the game through play every about every two weeks is also something to do at end game. If you had to put together an item in only two weeks time to be able to get it before it is game discontinued and all you are given is clues as hints as to where the parts were found and they rare to recieve as drops, that too would be end game type stuff to keep one busy until next worlds come out.

Aug 21, 2010
Can i be the first to say I totally agree!

When you finish you are left with the feeling, what now?
And there isn't much!
PvP can be mastered in a month or so and once you are Warlord what then?
I would love to see any of your ideas implemented into the game :D

Jul 04, 2010