WHY did the death school sink and/or fall down? was there an earthquake Cyrus Drake did as revenge? did Malistaire purposely make it go? I want to know!
WHY did the death school sink and/or fall down? was there an earthquake Cyrus Drake did as revenge? did Malistaire purposely make it go? I want to know!
Mailistare did that I guess he got sick of other teachers gloating because they were stronger than the Death school so he sunk his own school of Death and set out on a quest to destroy the world by trying to befriend the great Dragon Titan. (No offense to any teachers)
The quests in the begining of the game state that Malistair knocked the Death school into Nightside (he was trying to blast it out of Wizard City) after his wife died. A sort of statment of his independance (major hissy fit) and lack of faith in life.
Well, orginally, Malistaire was the Death professor (before Malorn Ashthorn and Dworgyn started teaching wizards spells). But then, his wife Sylvia caught a bad cold and died. Malistaire was so upset that he blasted his own school down to Nightside (and could that be why he's even evil in the first place?)