I don't even know how some houses even get the miracle to be the double top rated 100th place. I mean, who puts snow covered trees in the in a Krokotopia house? when house ratings was in the test realm for its first time, the people who rated houses seemed to rate them pretty fairly. But now it feels like a total legion of beggars from The Commons seem to blow into the building and spam rated houses and only give them a 4 if they only:
Look like they have good choke points and ultra hiding places for Tag an Wildfire Tag
If Midnight Sun Pagoda AND a Winterbane Hall are both on sight side by side as soon as you enter.
If the house is a big level house or an Arcane House with all the above.
When I enter a Winter Wind Tower, I expect to look more like Avalon than a hoard of invasive plants types from Celestia grew all over and never stopped with Grizzleheim's Wintertusk Nordilund music playing in the back round. I would not have expected the Zafarian style sinks and bath tubs on the inside.
If you would put this is Crazy, it would make just a bit more since and would be a perfect Crazy style house.
What do you people think?
Marcus Suncrafter, lvl 72, and former holder of the top rated 17th place's best Decorated style house and 98th on the top rated best rated house on Housing Tours' first test realm release.
I liking visiting and touring houses via the castle tours to appreciate and be inspired by the really well designed ones.
However, some of them receiving high ratings are empty and sparse, or its painfully obvious little imagination and creativity went into their overall design.
So here's to everyone getting to visit and experience more of the well designed, fun and inspiring houses!
I don't even know how some houses even get the miracle to be the double top rated 100th place. I mean, who puts snow covered trees in the in a Krokotopia house? when house ratings was in the test realm for its first time, the people who rated houses seemed to rate them pretty fairly. But now it feels like a total legion of beggars from The Commons seem to blow into the building and spam rated houses and only give them a 4 if they only:
Look like they have good choke points and ultra hiding places for Tag an Wildfire Tag
If Midnight Sun Pagoda AND a Winterbane Hall are both on sight side by side as soon as you enter.
If the house is a big level house or an Arcane House with all the above.
When I enter a Winter Wind Tower, I expect to look more like Avalon than a hoard of invasive plants types from Celestia grew all over and never stopped with Grizzleheim's Wintertusk Nordilund music playing in the back round. I would not have expected the Zafarian style sinks and bath tubs on the inside.
If you would put this is Crazy, it would make just a bit more since and would be a perfect Crazy style house.
What do you people think?
Marcus Suncrafter, lvl 72, and former holder of the top rated 17th place's best Decorated style house and 98th on the top rated best rated house on Housing Tours' first test realm release.
Your idea of decorating may not match that of the owner of the house, but there is nothing at all wrong with snow-covered things in a Krok house. It's called imagination.
As for how houses are rated... by visitors.
I think the whole housing thing needs a rework. While it's fun to view, there are still houses that are nothing but storage dumps for pets out there.
Frankly, it's about pure hedonistic impact. Just throw every expensive-looking item and every bundle dungeon right next to the spawn point, add a couple of signs, and you're done. You'll rocket right to the top.
I'd estimate you would be near the top doing this. Being #1 is a function of luck, meaning the "rate house" algorithm has to come up with your house instance and give you more foot traffic, and they actually have to give you ratings instead of just porting out while they look for their own house.