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What I would like to see implemented.

Jan 29, 2010
My husband and I have been "gamers" before gaming was the cool thing to do. We absolutely have become addicted to Wizard 101. We have had huge conversations on how this one "childrens" game has beaten all the other mmorpg's out there. They have implemented almost ever single aspect that other games have stated "could not be done". There are only a couple things that could make this game more perfect in our opinion.
Trading reagents between your own characters. I have a ton of reagents I do not need on my highest character but my low characters could use still. It would be nice if we could use the shared bank to also share our reagents.
Trading equipment between "True Friends", this would keep the security in place to keep scamming down but would allow you and your "True Friends" to switch gear between you both. It never fails that I will end up looting something that would be awesome for my husbands character and he visa versa. The only way for us to trade said gear right now is to use the bazaar and hope that someone else does not click it before the intended party does.
Those are the only suggestions that we have come up with to make the game more enjoyable. To us for there to only be two suggestions, we have to state that this is one of the best implemented, designed and crafted games out there in the world today. Mr. Lincoln keep up all the fantastic work and enjoy this gem you have.


Talania D. Doran
aka Taryn Goldenheart- Balance/Life

Aug 02, 2008
Ditto to all the above!

But Also add in the ability to exchange 'in game' Gold back and forth
through your shared bank as well.

Forgot about a way (a very hard way) wether it be through a
Super high Kill on a Boss or a cut scene instance; imagine that you
suddenly find your self traveling through a 'eye candy galore' portal of some kind, you are tumbling head over heel, twisting and turning as your
speed seems to be increasing! As this happens the Scene changes
the vortex fades away as the area you are now in materilises into view.
Suddenly you realise I'm STILL TUMBLING!!! and I might be killed
once all this stops! you will see something building itself up around you
(Take note this is a very fast clue to the Entrance Maze of Celestia!,
you are about to enter.) Your Wizard phases and comes back together
and your now standing in a walkway to a maze of tunnels passageways and walkways. You will have a set amount of time in which you will run
and collect as many red and blue wisps as you can find with in the maze
and make it back out again. The problem is there are walls that drop from the cieling blocking the way to go back the same way that you came.
(Sorry, Mounts can not be used for this)

The total number of both wisps are displayed on clicking X on a glowing stone that has now appeared at the starting point area.
The wisps are matched together in a cool particle display above the glowing stone, glowing hot Crown coins drop out of merging and back into the top of the glowing stone at the same time you can watch your
Crown amount increase, The left over red or blue wisps are not waisted
and are added to your stats!!!

*If you fail at getting back out of the maze and could not find the
hidden 'slowtime mushroom' ( slows down time increasing the amount of time you have to get back to the entrance.) and just got lost or stuck
never fear you will simply reappear right back in the same spot as you were when you left, with no loss in exp. etc.

OOps did I say that was the Entrance maze to the world of Celestia?
Well it is, but in my vision it acts as a two way layer that can be turned on or off by where your wizard is at in their school, level, special quest etc. Later when Celstia is opened you will already have had a fast glimps
into what lays ahead when you enter it for the second time. But this time
it is a Test to see if you are worthy of continuing on to enter the New World on the Spiral, Celstia!

*hehe Sorry Got a little 'too much' into it there 8)