Hello guys, I had saved up my money in real life enough for a new bundle! I already have the Mega Bundle so that is excluded from this, but I am not really sure what bundle I should get. I am a storm level 48 at the moment on my new toon, but what bundle should I get or should I just wait for future bundles? Thanks! -Savannah Stormforge
I think that you should get the Olympians bundle it is really good and who doesn't like the world Troy or whatever its called. Emma Emeraldsword lvl 49
Hawk Rider bundle is reasonable. You get a really solid wand (try for level 60+ or up because it gives a hefty amount of critical block past this point), acceptable gear (tier 4 and 5 are best), a good storm pet, a mount, and a tapestry to Bazaar that will save you tons of time.
I prefer it far and away over the Atlantean bundle, not just for storm but for any school in need of a boost to accuracy and resist at about level 30-45. Probably the only schools whose boss-drop gear beats the Hawk Rider gear at this level are ice and death. My myth is level 30 and she's wearing Hawk Rider gear to good effect, it should probably hold her until she gets to CL.
My storm used the level 60+ wand with its 60 block and 30 crit all the way into Saltmeadow Marsh. I seriously considered buying the bundle a second time when it went on sale recently, to open the level 90+ version of the claymore, it's that good (90 block and 50 crit). The only thing holding me back was the gear, which really peaks in utility about level 30-50 and thereafter is just completely obsoleted by waterworks gear. This is just a really strong pack in all respects. The flavor of the pack blends well with any of the housing options, which is good cause that's the one thing it doesn't have.
As for non storm goodies, the Olympian gear is probably the next highest on the list. The pet is reasonable, although it also has some very difficult to eliminate selfish talents. Sword and shield wand are adequate but uninspiring. Gear has pretty decent resist at all levels. Two-person mount again, solid for people who might be looking for that. The housing is probably the biggest selling point of the Olympian pack. It's gorgeous.
Get the dino bundle. It's the best! It gives you awesome gear, a bow and arrow wand, a two person t-Rex mount, a stegosaurus pet, and a HUGE! pyramid house, with a volcano, arena, and giant under ground tunnels that are huge P.S. it costs exactly $39
I think maybe the Atlantian one. I've seen the mount and in my opinion it's really cool. But I have no idea what the house or outfit looks like so maybe it's not so good.