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We need pet vaults

Mar 30, 2014
I see people asking for more storage options and while storage of anything is helpful, I'd like to address the elephant in the room. Or should I say, the 50 elephants wandering around in a million rooms? We desperately need a pet vault. Everyone I know has pet dump houses and it's really not a good storage solution--you have to pick up each pet to check the talents, it's hard to keep track of what pets are where, and it usually detracts from the look or use of houses to have this crowd of pets there. A house shouldn't be a pet vault. A pet vault should be a pet vault. A pet vault kind of like the hatching kiosk, where we can store our pets and search for ones with specified talents would be so incredibly helpful and a far better way to store pets than the current mishmash of house pet dumps, and pets crammed into banks and attics. Thank you so much for considering this, it would make a huge difference for so many players.

May 10, 2009
YES! The current pet storage system (i.e. just dumping pets in houses or banks) is so bad that I end up carrying pets around in my backpack that I never use because otherwise it's a pain to find them again. I would love, love, love a pet storage system that works like the kiosk does.