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Want to talk to other players

Oct 11, 2008
My son has been playing Wizard 101 and requested that I upgrade the account so he could talk to other wizards. However, everyone still has the "no talking" symbol over their heads. I did change his parental controls to say yes he could chat. But, still he has not found anyone else who could.

Could someone give him some tips?

Community Leader
He's probably still in Wizard City. Non-subscribers cannot use text chat, and are confined to Wizard City. Once he moves into Krokotopia and beyond, he'll find many more people who love to, and are able to, chat.


I've double checked all his records, looks like everything is in order. When you see the "no talking" icon over wizards heads, it's an indicator to others that they don't have filtered chat available. It's not related your wizard's ability to chat or not. As he progresses through the quests and gets higher in level, the more likely he's to find others that have chat enabled.

In the meantime, there are lots of folks that can chat in Wizard City, just need to look closely to find them!

Good luck and please let me know if I can assist further!

Aug 29, 2008
Tipa wrote:
He's probably still in Wizard City. Non-subscribers cannot use text chat, and are confined to Wizard City. Once he moves into Krokotopia and beyond, he'll find many more people who love to, and are able to, chat.

CORRECT! if he wants to meet people, travel from realm to realm (not worlds) and just say HI! a lot, or just stay there for like 5 minutes or so, and someone will pop up who can use filtered chat. it's kind of easy, you can tell what is a menu chat message and what is not by looking at the border of the chat bubble, it'll have either a dark black line or no line, no line means filtered chat, otherwise it's a menu chat. (i HAVE seen people who like to use menu chat, even though they can use filtered chat, so keep looking!)