Looking forward to Wallaru, I just wanted to put it out there that Myth wizards got a spell of their scholar, Baba Yaga in Polaris (Witch's Housecall), her homeworld, and Death wizards got a spell of their scholar, Qismah Shasa, in Mirage (Qismah's Curse), her homeworld. In order to perfectly complete the triad of spiritual schools getting their scholars as spells in their homeworld, I think Life wizards need a Zander spell in Wallaru :P
Other ideas I had were being able to use the Fiddler emote, and other acquired emotes, as a victory dance; new school pets that go back to the trend of being spells, instead of random things like kookaburras, eyeballs, ice golems, and storm clouds (I'd really love the swans from Wings of Fate as a pet); and I would love, love, love more apartments from around the spiral, especially in the Lemuria areas.
*I submitted a similar post the other day, but it was never put onto the message boards; I'm not sure if it's something I said or if it was in the wrong forum?*
Kevin BattleBreeze 160 Kieran Ravenshade 150 Wolf Skullhammer 150 Mark Stormblade 140 Adrian Nightflame 113 Seth Moongrove 111 Blaze Skycloud 58