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[W101 Suggestion/Idea] Pity system for Tale of Four Dungeons

Jul 15, 2022
I'm sure we all know of the Tale of Four Dungeons and their great gear. Barkingham Palace gear is often debated when discussing pre Water Works gear sets and Zigzag gear is one of the three recommended sets for level 60 gear. And the most notable of the three is Darkmoor gear, but one thing all these dungeons have in common aside from great gear that can get you far in your wizarding journey is the low drop rates for the gear and hours spent in just one of the four dungeons. I recently farmed Barkingham Palace for more thank 8 hours trying to get a full set of the first rate gear with my high level wizard. Each run I would usually two round every of the three battles but still with this high pace dungeon clearing it took me and my friend more than 8 hours trying to get a full set. Recently KI has given a pity system to end of arc gear sets and believe it would be a great addition to the Tale of Four Dungeons. Hours have been spent in almost all of the three dungeons, Darkmoor, Zigzag, and Barkingham Palace, but I don't believe one of the biggest struggles of questing through wiz should be trying to not burn out grinding one of these dungeons. I think a pity system would greatly benefit the players and their will to play the game after grinding these dungeons. A way I think it could be added is a recipe system similar to that of the last arc gear where you can use any piece of the below rated gear to craft your desired rated gear and possibly use the motes that each of the four bosses drops or a fish that spawns in their waters similar to that of the tapestry recipes. The recipe could also be provided by those tapestry recipe vendors to avoid the headache of adding 4 new npcs and recipe shops. I really hope this idea gets some consideration and am happy to offer my clarification on parts I may have explained that were unclear.

TL;DR Tale of Four Dungeons are long and tedious and I think a pity system could reduce burnout caused by grinding these dungeons also making them more viable options to replace other gear grinds.