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Virtual Pet Worlds

Jun 20, 2009
Ok, I know some pets give you extra health, or cards, and some pets give you nothing. For me one of my dragons, Cosmo, has nothing to offer, but we forged alot of bonds together, there are some other pets I don't need either but have helped me some times.
So instead of trashing them, or keeping them inside of your bank, why don't we get to have virtual worlds to keep our pets? Sort of like a castle to your pets. It can be customized, or upgraded, but when you don't need a pet, you shouldn't have to get rid of it. :D

Oct 03, 2008
kewl idea i like it. you should be able to visit it from your house and yoou CAN feed them but dont HAVE to

Feb 15, 2009
I think this is really a bad idea, guys.

You cannot feed pets.

Some of them do nothing.

Some of the pet dropped by bosses can do anything but only use spells.

Some gift card pets gives you spells Extra health and mana.

So no Virtual Pet Worlds becuase it get little wild in there