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Use Backpack / Change Items during battle

Jul 04, 2009
Just an idea here, but it would be great to be able to change items while in battle. It should cost you to do this of course, for example I keep a couple of decks handy pre-set for the type of characters I'm fighting. Sometimes I forget to switch back to my main deck after using one of my speciality decks.

If I could change deck duing a battle it would be very helpful. I think it should cost me a round or two to do it though.

I can also see a number of issues with this, that may make it unrealistic. For example this would effectivly bypass the size limits on decks. Also, what about changing clothes, wands, etc... I don't really have an answer to how this would effect deck size limitations, but I think every item you changed would force you to pass for a round. This penalty could prevent people from changing everything during a battle, but it would give a bit more flexibility to the game.