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Update Dryad Spell Quest

Mar 02, 2009
Hi friends!

I'm a long standing friend of the game, returning now after a 7 year hiatus. And I've quickly fallen back in love with the game, the combat, and the energy of KI. After the long break, I have been revisiting the questline by leveling up a Life wiz through the game to revisit the storylines before returning to my others (Myth, Ice, and Storm at 130, Death at 48, and Balance at 104).

Despite the HEAVY absence of an AoE, I have been loving the Life gameplay, though I have found Moolinda to be the least engaging character of the professors.

This came to culmination tonight when I reached the Dryad spell quest. The first part is to retrieve a key from Krokotopia. The second part is to collect a chest from Sunken City- a quest that requires a complete rerun of the dungeon, a nuisance with the 3-enemy fights and the lack of the AoE.

I figure okay, it'll be worth it, something good will be in the chest- I knew the quest was for Dryad, which was always one of my favorite animations... And then boom, she opens the chest, says it's the Book of Protection, and then says "Hey, why don't you go redo MooShu's longest and most obnoxious dungeon to defeat the Plague Oni, who isn't even a life boss, for no reason having to do with these first two quests? It's a good time to save the world!"

Never mind I'm already in Dragonspyre, and have defeated the Plague Oni, and the Dryad spell will rarely, if ever, get used, since as a healer I never want to run out of pips, making this all the more frustrating, since the spell will never end up in my deck and I'm only doing the quest so I'm eligible for the Forest Lord when I get there.

I constantly am surprised and impressed by KingsIsle's dialogue, and the intentions behind the questlines, especially for spells, that always felt related to the spell itself. This is a massive, massive let-down, and one that is going to take up the next chunk of my playtime. Despite being absolutely unnecessary, and the dialogue making no sense. If you want us to revisit Mooshu, please, have us fight the Jade Oni. Or, even better, an actual enemy that has SOMETHING to do with summoning a Dryad. Not this, which is clearly not making me excited

What are your thoughts on this spell quest?