Ice schools at lvl 48 gets Ice Collosus pets which gives ice collosus card and you get Frost Giant pet. You HAVE to be ice, which i mean your main school is ice to get this pet. Fire school at lvl 48 gets Helephant Pet which gives Helephant card and you get Fire Dragon card. Again Fire has to be your Main School Storm gets at lvl 48 Stormzilla pet, it gives Stormzilla card and you also get Storm Lord. Storm must be your main school to get these. Life- 48 Life gets Satyr pet, the comes with satyr card and you get Rebirth Myth- 48 Myth gets orthrus pet( it is a two headed dog not three ) and come with orthrus card. Death- 48 Death earns Wraith pet which gives wraith card and you get the card Scarecrow Balance- 48 Balance Students achieve Hydra pet which gives hydra card and you get Power nova ( I am not sure if it is power nova or super nova .... ) These pets are not for staff only and can be earned by anyone as long as you are lvl 48 and your main school is one of these 7 schools. You can only get the pet one time and can not trade or auction it. And 48 is when you get your last card for your school. - Jasmine BlueGem Lvl 45 Thaumaturge The Purifier
The two headed dog was from the Beta Test but it was wiped when they did the beta wipes before the launch. If you are seeing it now, its a staff member.
My best friend has an ortheus (sp?) and she is not a staff member, she is a grandmaster
Isn't it three heads not two the level 48 myth pet?
actually maryanne, 3 heads is cerberous, 2 heads is orthrus. according to greek mythology cerberous guards the underworld. lets people in, but doesn't let them back out. he's the pet of hades, the god of the dead.
yes i have people its not from the beta its if you reach level forty eight you get a new pet and spell here are the pets and spells you get from each wizard fire you get dragon and helephant pet ice you get ice collusus and ice lord death you get wraith and scarecrow storm you get unknown and storm lord myth you get orthrus and orthrus myth unknown and unknown sorry about myth and storm but i dont think myth has any and storm might only have a spell :)
ok... so i'm fire level 47 and does anyone know how my quest goes to get a helephant pet and a fire dragon card at level 48? i'm just wondering.. i guess
Oh yeah, poptropican, isn't your username from the original online game poptropica? i just noticed that lol
~Blaze DragonFlame, Level 47 Pyromancer, INTO THE TRADING BUISNESS! Oh YEAH!