The two headed dog was from the Beta Test but it was wiped when they did the beta wipes before the launch. If you are seeing it now, its a staff member.
The two headed dog was from the Beta Test but it was wiped when they did the beta wipes before the launch. If you are seeing it now, its a staff member.
yes same with colluos helephant skeletal and wraith .
The two headed dog was from the Beta Test but it was wiped when they did the beta wipes before the launch. If you are seeing it now, its a staff member.
My best friend has an ortheus (sp?) and she is not a staff member, she is a grandmaster
yes it is the level 48 myth pet! or it was it got removed and now it is (I think) a ( since I cant spell it) a walking bull so id say there old players :(
yes it is the level 48 myth pet! or it was it got removed and now it is (I think) a ( since I cant spell it) a walking bull so id say there old players :(
The two headed dog was from the Beta Test but it was wiped when they did the beta wipes before the launch. If you are seeing it now, its a staff member.
Cool! One of the people on my friend list has a two headed dog!!!
yes it is the level 48 myth pet! or it was it got removed and now it is (I think) a ( since I cant spell it) a walking bull so id say there old players :(
It's spelled Minotaur 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :-D
orthrus is for level 48 myth wizards, the minotaur is a pet drop from youkai in the tree of life