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Trying for One In a Million

Aug 23, 2016
Ok, I'm soloing on my Life.

Going up against a Lost Soul in Unicorn Way

Namaste and the highest life aura card in play

All blades I can find (including TCs and pet), All traps in play, all pierces in play, two feints regular and TC

+300 to Gnomes and I did 880K+

Yesterday same thing, but added Potent Feint and only did 440K+ Against Rattlebones.


What am I doing wrong?

Steven Ghoststalker
Frustrated Wizard

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Hi Alien!

Try using a Prisms to be able to use the Death traps too. You may want a necromancer to help you.

Aug 03, 2014
Area51Alien on Jun 7, 2019 wrote:
Ok, I'm soloing on my Life.

Going up against a Lost Soul in Unicorn Way

Namaste and the highest life aura card in play

All blades I can find (including TCs and pet), All traps in play, all pierces in play, two feints regular and TC

+300 to Gnomes and I did 880K+

Yesterday same thing, but added Potent Feint and only did 440K+ Against Rattlebones.


What am I doing wrong?

Steven Ghoststalker
Frustrated Wizard
Hiya Alien

It's easier if you have someone else boost you with cards you can't even get, also use item feint and/or a different TC feint as well

TC feints with different icons on them will stack, so look out for other ones as well. Same goes for blades and traps. Stacking some death traps, and spirit traps then using a prism before using your life traps and move spirit traps allows both sets to be used

I recommend doing it somewhere people can't just join randomly, but is also not a solo. Then you can have friends of different schools add their school-only boosts (eg the death trap, potent death trap and also dark pacts etc and balance can give you some nice trained blades too) but you can control who is in the dungeon. We always did it in Nightshade, but any low level like that works.

I wouldn't worry about pierce at all, just look at damage and damage boosts. Go against something with no resist and if they have shields just get a friend to shatter, same for any minions, get rid of them at the start.

If you want help with it just let me know when and I'll raid my tc for extra boosts and bring in my wizards with helpful boosts for you. You are so very close you might not need it, but I'm always happy to help you and we can easily have a sure 1 in a million hit

I hope this helps, good luck, and give me a shout if you want back up!

Jan 18, 2010
You also need a sorcerer's assistance and possibly a pet providing high damage talents.

You should also be using more than three versions of feints it seems you're using.

The prism is necessary as mentioned earlier.

Get a necromancer to join in on the goal as well as spells such as Curse (among it's variants) and Dark Pact also help and contributes to the overall one million goal.

Spells such as Mass Feint and Mass Life Feint are also good to have.

So, you see, it's more than just a few cards you can find at the bazaar. Some will come from actual wizards and even gear/jewels.

I also recommend a Frenzy (TC) Version Arua being used just prior to hitting.

Good Luck!

Jan 09, 2010

Try Shadow Trickster to ensure Critical Hit Along with your Other Boosts

Aug 23, 2016
Thank you for all the tips.

I finished it off on Saturday.

Now, I just have three quests to finish and my Life Wizard can start knocking off badges.

Steven Ghoststalker
One In a Million!

Aug 03, 2014
Area51Alien on Jun 10, 2019 wrote:
Thank you for all the tips.

I finished it off on Saturday.

Now, I just have three quests to finish and my Life Wizard can start knocking off badges.

Steven Ghoststalker
One In a Million!
Woohoo! Congratulations!

Feb 12, 2015
Area51Alien on Jun 10, 2019 wrote:
Thank you for all the tips.

I finished it off on Saturday.

Now, I just have three quests to finish and my Life Wizard can start knocking off badges.

Steven Ghoststalker
One In a Million!