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Treasure cards

Nov 07, 2009
There has been a lot of treasure cards I have noticed over the years disappearing from the treasure cards dealers which is a concern for me. Now, many people depend on treasure cards for quests and be able to come up with strategies using other school's treasure cards to help them. An example of this is bad juju which used to be available, but was taken down due to "balancing issues". Now I know this may be op in PVP, but this just renders the mastery amulets which people either spend lots of crowns on, or farmed for so long useless. I would like to see these treasure cards return for questing purposes and help for bosses that are really insane with their cheats (Storm Titan).

With bosses like the storm titan, who hits insane numbers and is nearly impossible without a death wizard in your party to spam juju since they are the only ones who can, it is very hard to do without a death on your team. I have personally beat this boss 4 times now, but each time I had a death wizard to spam juju and to rely on. If we had treasure cards that were removed back for questing purposes only and not PVP, then we can just use the death mastery and juju treasure cards to help instead of having to rely on one school specifically to help. Why should we have the mastery amulets in the game if these treasure cards are being removed? They really help players who have not beaten the game and lower lvl players be able to make it through even the simplest of bosses without depending on maxed lvl wizards or a higher lvl to help them. As a higher lvl player, I am constantly asked to help farm, quest, and tips on how to beat bosses because they can't deal with them on their own. Now this may not be the cause of some treasure cards being removed, but if they were added back only for questing, then I believe a lot less people will have less issues with questing. I just don't want to see anyone leave the game for good because they think a part is way too hard for them to complete due to a lack of treasure cards being available to boost their stats or weaken the hard boss they have to deal with.

What is your view on this situation? Should juju and some other cards come back to help with tough bosses (Not being allowed in PVP as it is op)?

Thanks for your comments,

Chris Thundercloud 130