I was hoping to get a TC vault and was wondering if you were in the works of making one?
its never coming sadly.. ratbeard posted on twitter about some lame excuse like he doesnt want us hoarding more tc than we already to and something about black market mentality with someting about to many faucets and not enough drains it was dumb honestly people in the discord community to use empowers to trade tc with each other pretty much have to make accounts to hold tc the tc vault wouldve helped a bit but no.. whats even more messed up is i asked about the tc vault last year back in i believe august and got a "were glad people still care about it" from sparck but never got an actual piece of confirmation until april 1st this year from ratbeard on twitter saying its both never coming AND it premotes hoarding even tho a majority of players that use discord for tc trading have numerous accounts full of empower tc.. his logic just made no sense and angered some while the pvp players were happy about it because it could potentionally idk break low lvl pvp
in short its never coming because ratbeard doesnt want people to hoard it.. if it did exist id buy it especially if it required crowns only..