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Jul 12, 2009
Over this month's birthday celebration I got to experience the two complimentary Transformations that KingIsle provided. This was my first experience using a transformation, but I have seen many players running around with them. I thought they were kinda neat, but they did get me thinking.

What I think should be incorporated into some of the transformations should be a boost of some kind. Basically a combination of a transformation and one of the other potions available. Since I have not used the other potions, I do not know how they stack or interact with transformations. If transformations stack with the other stat boosting potions, then the special transformations should be a bargain package that provides both benefits of a transformation and a stat boost.

One of the things I think would be really neat as a basic stat boost to certain transformations would be a basic resistance to the damage type of the creature you are transforming into. Like with the birthday transformations, the Tree Ent transformation should come with a minor resistance boost against life damage or possibly a minor regeneration when outside combat, and the Ninja Pig transformation should come with a minor resistance boost against myth damage. This is of course just a basic example, but if the stat boost was thematically correct for the transformation I think it would add to the entertainment value not to mention the economic value of purchasing a transformation.

I was also thinking that for certain transformations the stat boost might be scalable based on the wizard's level. That way, a transformation wouldn't be overpowering at lower levels and would still provide a nice, "noticeable" stat boost to a higher level Wizard.

One of the down sides of a transformation is the fact that you have to unequip your mount to be able to see the transformation out of battle. I have two potential solutions to this.

One, figure out a way to prevent a mount from interfering with a transformation.


Two, they could add a speed boost to all transformations. I think that a speed boost of almost equal to a permanent mount would not imbalance anything. Since transformations have a duration of only 1 hour and the cheapest mount has a duration of 1 day they should not be competing with each other.

The addition of a speed boost or other stat boost probably will require a new category of transformations to be developed. And the price for these new transformations can be set appropriately so they do not interfere with current products in the shop.

As I said in the beginning I have never used transformations before the free birthday gift transformations so you can take these suggestions with a grain of salt. But, I for one would be much more willing to use a transformation if it did more than just change your appearance. I know I would feel much more like a wizard transforming into one of the spiral's creatures if I could also take on some of the aspects of those creatures.