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Transferring gear and multiple accounts

Mar 06, 2012
I know I am not the only player that has more than one account. I have transferred a wizard from one account to another approximately 3 times in past 9 years. I load up the gear/jewels/spellements and items that I acquired in my life/fire account that belonged to the schools in my storm/balance/death account and vice versa. I was told recently that I am not able to transfer wizards any more. This is extremely disappointing and I see no reason to carry two accounts under these conditions. My options are to switch accounts every other year.

I would like to suggest that KI:
1. revoke the policy and limit it to x-times a year

2. provide a chest similar to the shared bank/jewel chests we currently use and only allow that to transfer between accounts - limit to x per year, as it is not necessary to transfer the wizard, just the items.
3. Add a monetary cost for the transfer.

2. Allow the transfer of a wizard without houses only with Ravenwood apartment.

Thank you for providing an area where I can express/suggest and idea.