You can choose your trade at lvl 30. Here are the trades:
Bandit: The good thing about this one is you get gold 20% easier. The bad thing is, it takes away 5% of your mana and health. The ranks for this one is:Novice bandit, initiate pirate, adept mobster, and sneak master.
Shopkeeper: The good thing is your mana and health are heightened by 10%. The bad thing is, it gets 10% harder to get gold.The ranks are: Novice shopkeeper, initiate shopkeeper, adept seller, and sellmaster.
Gardener: In this trade, its easier to get good gear by 5%, and easier to get good reagents by 10%.The bad thing is, your pet energey, is lowered by 1%, you health is lowered by 2%, and your mana is lowerd by 3%.The ranks are: Novice land owner, initite plant tender, Adept garden keeper, and mastercollector.
You lvl up your rank by leveling up and overcoming the bad thing your trade gives you. Give your ideas for trades thanks everyone.