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Trade in items for crowns

Aug 15, 2017
I feel like there should be a thing where you can trade in your crown items for some crowns back. For example, if you have a piece of level 15+ crowns gear and you're level 70, the only thing you can do is throw it away or feed it to your pet. I understand that you can get some crowns items without crowns in this game, but since it would be only a small amount for each item, kingisle shouldn't lose that much money, right?

Dec 04, 2013
I think that's entirely reasonable. There's so much to buy with crowns in the game so I doubt it would cause much of a reduction in crowns purchased for real money. The proportion could be set and adjusted as KI determined the effect it was having on their sales. I'm not suggesting a fully dynamic daily exchange rate of course.

The pricing in the Bazar is close to the homophone bizarre so I wouldn't want it to mirror that. I can't see any point in different prices for the same Treasure Card just because it is a version that has a special symbol on it for example and I've yet to be convinced that the prices are based on any supply and demand mechanism. They seem totally set and arbitrary.

But back to your point. Yes, I think there is merit in a percentage of the original Crowns purchase price being redeemable for those items we no longer need.