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Tips & Hints

Aug 01, 2008
Here some Tips and Hints

.Welcome New Players and you should (you don't have to) make new friends

.On Boss Battles try making plans or think inside your heart

.Ask Friends or People to help you

.Help Establish a great community

.Travel with Friends and Help Them with their Boss battles

.If you hate a card try it first before you hate it

.if you hate a teasure card trade it with your friends for another one

.Use Healing Spells to Help your health

Here to get mana

go to shopping district to collect them

or go to olde town to collect them

here you want to ad try doing this or more!

wizard name Anthony Caster

Thank you for reading this and come back for more

Jul 13, 2008
captain1900 wrote:
Here some Tips and Hints

.Welcome New Players and you should (you don't have to) make new friends

.On Boss Battles try making plans or think inside your heart

.Ask Friends or People to help you

.Help Establish a great community

.Travel with Friends and Help Them with their Boss battles

.If you hate a card try it first before you hate it

.if you hate a teasure card trade it with your friends for another one

.Use Healing Spells to Help your health

Here to get mana

go to shopping district to collect them

or go to olde town to collect them

here you want to ad try doing this or more!

wizard name Anthony Caster

Thank you for reading this and come back for more

Aug 14, 2008
Aug 06, 2008
Use shields. When I first started I thought using shields was a bit lame. I figured I shouldn't waste my time and that I should just start attacking. WRONG. Shields are very beneficial and in order to survive later on you are going to need to rely on them to give you a boost in your attack or help take the edge off of an incoming attack.

Start using them early to develop strategies that work for your class and strategies for when in group play.

Jul 27, 2008
AxelRox2 wrote:
take out all bosses minions first to make the battle easier ;)
FINALLY someone who does battles this way. And i thought i was alone in the world. :D

Jul 27, 2008
octagig wrote:
Use shields. When I first started I thought using shields was a bit lame. I figured I shouldn't waste my time and that I should just start attacking. WRONG. Shields are very beneficial and in order to survive later on you are going to need to rely on them to give you a boost in your attack or help take the edge off of an incoming attack.

Start using them early to develop strategies that work for your class and strategies for when in group play.
Shields are an essential part of battling and should not be overlooked in any way. It goes without saying that the best offense is a strong defense.

Jul 25, 2008
AxelRox2 wrote:
take out all bosses minions first to make the battle easier ;)

i agree 100%, and try to explain this to people who battle with me. the best way to increase your chances of survival is to REDUCE THE NUMBER OF THINGS ATTACKING YOU. you will be able to kill the enemies with the least hit points fastest. therefore, always attack the weakest guy first.

Aug 19, 2008
Jul 16, 2008
ultimatewizard wrote:
AxelRox2 wrote:
take out all bosses minions first to make the battle easier ;)
FINALLY someone who does battles this way. And i thought i was alone in the world. :D

seriously me too!!

Jun 28, 2008
Here's a tip

Use weak traps like, don't know the name but, 20% damage first on the enemy before using traps like 70% because the traps go backwards in the order they were put on.

So say i had ice trap, elemental traps, and the 70% trap. I would first put on the elemental trap because it gives 25%. Then the ice trap which gives 30%, then the 70% then get ready for some major damage.

May 23, 2008
AxelRox2 wrote:
take out all bosses minions first to make the battle easier ;)

Depends on the situation. Sometimes bosses and minions have pretty close to the same hit points. Sometimes the minions are resistant to your damage time. Sometimes there are three minions and are elite status. I'd review on a case-by-case basis. But I would agree that focusing on one target at a time is a good system, depending on the situation.

Aug 29, 2008
shouldn't you first take the strongest guy out first, because they use the strongest attacks and take the longest to kill. just thing its easier to kill toughest first, then weakest. still don't agree, look at it like this: if you have 5 things to do, each varying in diffeculty, don't you do the hardest or longest first, so then if the others are tough, they won't get worse. thats my way of thinking though, thats all.

Aug 11, 2008
Lynked wrote:
shouldn't you first take the strongest guy out first, because they use the strongest attacks and take the longest to kill. just thing its easier to kill toughest first, then weakest. still don't agree, look at it like this: if you have 5 things to do, each varying in diffeculty, don't you do the hardest or longest first, so then if the others are tough, they won't get worse. thats my way of thinking though, thats all.

Not at all !!! Bosses don't have stronger spell, they just have more health. So if you go for the easier to kill, you'll reduce the number of enemy faster and so the number of damages you'll take.

Other tips :
Don't rush in a battle (especially bosses) : take time to arrange your deck according to his element (or his guards elements) or think about others strategies (i.e. if you are alone or with friends). You can also use different element wand and different necklaces too.

Sep 04, 2008
Aug 29, 2008
training points are used to learn spells in other schools. so if your main school is fire, you can use training points to learn storm or death spells to, its like choosing to classes to make you one super awsome dude! (or dudet for girls) well, anyway, i have 2 characters, a necro and pyro, levles(in order) 13 and 20. Names are Alex Shadowsword and Fred Firesword!

Aug 09, 2008
Lina264351 wrote:
can somebody explain to me how the training points work and how to go about getting them?

You get training points levels 1,4,8,12,16,2025,30,35,40,45,50.

You can also get them from prospector zeke 1 in each world.

To use them you go to Ravenwood school and pick a school you want to train spells in. Then you go to the teacher and click train. You must get the spells in order. You click on the spell and click train, each spell you learn requires 1 training point. Once you "buy" that spell you are able to put it into your deck.

Aug 20, 2008
A Training Point allows you to learn a spell outside your school, provided that:

A) You're high enough level to learn the spell (level ranges are given right next to the spell with the various teachers' training offers) and

B) You already know all spells in the list prior to the one you want (though exceptions exist, see below).

There are two kinds of teachers you can go to. For one, there are the various school-specific trainers in Ravenwood (and elsewhere) -- The headmasters, Marlon Ashthorn and the Marleybonian Balance teacher- These guys will present you with an ongoing list from their school and function as I laid out above. If you want the second spell in the list, you'll need to get the first one first. There are however a few trainers out there that work slightly differently in that they'll only have level requirements. There is a girl on a stage in the Faireground who trains Shield spells for example. These teachers seem not bound by the system of requiring you to have the lower level spells from a school before you can get the higher ones.

As for getting them, you get them automatically for the most part. Every couple of levels, you'll get one Training Point. Some quests will also reward you with a Training Point but those are pretty rare.

Sep 01, 2008
Lina264351 wrote:
can somebody explain to me how the training points work and how to go about getting them?

Yea, good question:
I see that you get a new point every 4 levels, but what are the ways to earn them. My life mage is level 10 but cant get a heal other spell till level 12?
Do we have to play mini games and get that last slot, or is that a perk you buy with crowns ? :( Please tell me there's a secret quest somewhere that will enable us to get tps when spells are available?

Sep 04, 2008
thanks everybody.
i'm on level 10 now so i have 2 more levels i guess to get another training point.
I'm in the school of life but i like the death, fire, and ice spells too.
So i might make another character also.
By the way, my character's name is Angela GhostRider...and yes, i love the movie Ghost Rider...LOL!!!!

Sep 08, 2008
I love how this game lets you customize your wizard with different spells.

I have often thought about getting a death wizard, and having his secondary school be the life school. This allows you to cast Drain spells, like Ghoul and Vampire, while being able to heal yourself with Sprite and Pixies. Pretty neat, no? Advantage to that is that you constantly have something to heal you with, and you wont die very fast. Disadvantage is that you have relatively low-damaging attacks, but with a very decent accuracy. 80-90%.

I have picked the Storm Wizard. When I first started the "questionaire" to determine your school placement, I had answered everything honestly according to my own life-style, and ended up with Storm.
Since Storm has such a high fizzle rate (the highest out of all schools at 30%) I chose to couple my school with the school of life.
I can heal if my spells fizzle, and use absorb shields if I dont have immediate healing available.

The combination is up to you of course, pick what you like best, and what your favorite playing style is. :P

As for fights, I have slowly started to develop a good working strategy for myself over the last few days. Include buff and de-buff cards in your deck (0 pip cost) that you can cast on yourself or your enemy, which allow you to charge up your pips for higher level spells.

As a storm wizard, I use the Stormblade and the Storm Trap, then fire away with a good level 2 or level 3 thunder spell. If I dont draw any of those cards, I cast absorb shield or Sprite to keep me from getting major damage from lack of spells or fizzles.

I have noticed each class gets some form of buff/de-buff, and those with special pets get even an additional stat boosting spell. Cast those or use your wand (wand is always 0 pip) until you start charging up some good pips for those juicy spells :P.

Now, I have only gotten to the second world, so I only scraped the tip of the ice-berg, but that strategy seems to be working rather well with me.

Also, with the cards, if you have buffer cards that you dont use very often, or become situational, only include 2 copies instead of 3, and use 2 copies of all other spells that you dont use too often, so you can have a higher chance of drawing the card you want.

As in deck construction, I am still not quite sure how to most effectively construct it yet, so I would appreciate all your expert opinions, since I am still basically new to this game.

I hope you all enjoy this game as much as I do.

Sep 13, 2008
Sep 08, 2008
Ice wizards have a huge health pool, and can take quite a beating before they get in critical condition. Coupled with life, they can use healing spells to constantly replenish lost health.

As for the best, I am not sure which, but for survivability's sakes, I will probably vote on Ice/life.

May 28, 2008
All the schools seem equal to me, but they each play a little bit differently. Try them all and decide which fits your play style best.

For example:

Life school - has small damage so it takes several shots to kill one bad guy, which means you may need to heal while fighting and cast more spells in each fight. So, for life, you need larger spell books and lots of mana points.

Storm school - has extreme damage so you can kill bad guys in one shot, but storm wizards have the least hit points. So, a storm deck is going to have very few cards in it to increase the chance of drawing your good damage spells when you need them, but you may not be able to hold all the shield and healing spells you would like.

Another thing to take into account when talking about "what is the best school", is that there is a big difference between dueling and questing. You may find that your favorite questing school isn't very good at duels against other wizards. :)

Sep 20, 2008
1)attack weaker enemies first

2) if your looking for things like smiths, check around castles or large area's on streets (in kroktopia streets, they are always in the largest areas on the map)

3)team up on tough bosses... it makes life easier

4)balance out your deck, make more or less of something depending on how much you will need that spell

5)dont choose equipment on how it looks compare them and see which one youcould use

6)sell useless stuff and save up for better things in next world (trust me, you dont get a lot in wizard city and kroktopia things all in 1000 and 3000's

Sep 19, 2008
is there any tips on how to get to any other world cause im stuck in wizard city i want to go to places like moo shu(i did subscribe i just dont know to get to moo shu or kroktopia)