Hey KI, I thought of something you might want to impliment. I see a lot of people shooting out ideas, and it makes me think- what happens to the ideas we're giving you? Do people get special gifts or items for coming up with great ideas? Do we get any credit for it? Do we even get a shout out, kudos, or any recognition at all?
So far, the answer has been NO.
I think that people who submit ideas that KI deems worthy of thought or development should be inducted into a special "Bright Idea Club". As a symbol of membership- perhaps give the wizard a special pet (like a damage pox or shield pox from Dragonspyre), or a hat with a floating lightbulb above it that you can toggle on/off to light up dark areas. Submitting GOOD ideas can boost your level in the club from "Dabbler" to "Ideator" to "Inventor" to "Master inventor" (or something like that), perhaps giving wizards access to special items, equipment, spells, pets, minions, etc. For ideas that are actuall good enough to be developed and put into the game- perhaps a "gift basket" of awesome stuff including bonus crowns and unique items. Maybe KI could add a poll area to each idea posting so people can vote- Awsome idea/ Good idea/ So-So idea/ Needs work idea/ Bad idea. Of course, KI developers would be the final deciding factor for ideas to be counted as Club-worthy material. And naturally, mention of "who came up with this idea", would make it all worthwhile.
Of course, none of us expect to be paid for great ideas. But bragging rights are freakin awesome!
We appreciate that our players want to contribute their ideas to Wizard101.
However we cannot accept any unsolicited ideas. In the games industry, most ideas submitted are not original, and are similar or identical to ones that are already in the works by our own, or other game companies.
To protect KingsIsle from potential issues with intellectual property, we are unable to review unsolicited game ideas directly, but we welcome our players to post their ideas on this Dorms section of our Wizard101.com Message Boards.