conno365 and wandomatic. Have either of you read the previous three pages before commenting? Or just the first half of the first post? Let me respond to you by quoting my own post. ~^v~^v~^v~^v~^v
wandomatic wrote:
I know a way to stop a good part of this.Click them and hit ignore.Won't stop everything but will help some.
vollans wrote:
As for dancing, jumping, clapping and praying on another avatar's pixels? Simply moving away from them doesn't help. They follow you around the room and keep doing it, even when asked to stop. Someone above is correct in saying they want to know how large their audience is. They are showing off and looking for like-minded fans. Porting home, switching realms or ignoring the person calling me a racist word solves nothing. If they get no reaction from me, they will move to another victim, or focus on anyone that responds to their antics. ..... It is not just myself I am worried about, either. I see often someone saying they will hack another person if they don't do what they are told. Or they threaten to find the person in reality and kill them. That kind of harassment and intimidation is uncalled for. I find it slightly funny - yet annoying at the same time - when someone has been reported they immediately look at their friends. Either they don't realize there are other people around them that can see what they are posting, or they don't expect anyone else to care what they post. It usually results in more swears, and thus more reports. It just keeps escalating.
conno365 wrote:
I dont see the problem its just pixels and secondly its just a game their not doing anything to you physically.
vollans wrote:
"It's just a word" or "It's just pixels" Words have weight, and hurt sometimes. Not physically, but psychologically. I suffer from depression, being called such names as I have been while playing hits home with deadly accuracy. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel connected to my avatar. I make my characters look just like me (except I don't have yellow eyes), and it becomes an extension of myself. Having someone dance, clap, prey or whatever while standing in the same place as my avatar violates my personal space.
~^v~^v~^v~^v~^v Read a few more posts on this string. You'll see your comments have been covered more than once.
It's just pixels; it's just harmless fun; you can port and ignore, etc. --
I am just so sick and tired of all these excuses to ignore those who don't obey the rules. What about not hurting other people is so difficult to understand? Why do you blame the victims for reacting when they are victimized? Why do you resent them for not wanting to see it happen to other people, particularly knowing that some of those other people are children?
Yes, I am still here and still very active in trying to help make this game safe once again.
I want to thank all WCP and other players that have supported the changes we have been asking KI to make.
From the numerous threads that have been popping up on here and on Central over the past couple of months, it just goes to show how much effort is being put in to help KI by reporting all of this kind of behavior.
I will not qoute any of those that can't seem to grasp or understand what has been happening with some of the emotes. If you have not witnessed or been a victim, then you have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about.
Harassing, bullying, and bad language has become so bad, that it really baffles me how so many can continue to wear blinders and just tell us to Ignore and Port away. These are no longer viable options. For a child porting away would be the ideal thing to do especially if they have any idea of what the offender is intending. If they don't, then it is up to those of us that do, to step in, get the child away from the offender and REPORT them as quickly as possible. If they continue with a barrage of foul language, REPORT them again.
( There is no limit to making reports against a player as long as those reports are VALID) below is a link to Professor Greyrose's reply on this issue. I found a post from a year ago regarding "Reporting Limits" and asked Her to Clarify.
Ignoring the problems of using Emotes to abuse and harass other players is not an option. As with the foul language, many of us have said ENOUGH. We will no longer wear blinders, we will NOT shut down our priviledge of open or filtered chat. We are taking a stand against this kind of behavior. We pay to play and have earned the right to use the tools KI has given us. Use them, we will. Ask for changes, yes we will. Making the game safe again for kids and families is our goal. We will be Vigilant even when we are questing.
And for those of you that think just stand around, think again. We do quest, we have food fights and we HAVE FUN. But we will not be abused nor will we stand by when some one else is being abuse.
But, regarding all the people who like to dance with their pets... I believe they should make a way for this action to be possible. Such as something for sale in every housing shop, a Dancing Platform. Press X and you and your pet are placed on the platform to dance in your own section. The platform would not allow other wizards to enter the dancers space.
Ew. I have seen this "dancing thing" in the commons/dye shop a lot... I love to dance with my pets though.... I think i would be willing to sacrifice that emote, just to keep everyone safe and happy.
conno365 and wandomatic. Have either of you read the previous three pages before commenting? Or just the first half of the first post?
Read a few more posts on this string. You'll see your comments have been covered more than once.
And so have yours. This drive to control and silence others that some of you are displaying is disconcerting. I think teaching this to children is far more harmful; this is how wars are started and lives are lost.
zebulous wrote:
Only a child who has been exposed to vulgarity would know that the action was meant to simulate a vulgar act. Someone always shouts, "Won't someone think of the children?!" Their premise is flawed because they no longer remember what it is like to think like a child. I suppose if you allow your child to watch trash on television; then your child may have vague ideas, but they will still lack the comprehension of a teenager because they, hopefully, lack a teenager's experiences.
The ones misusing the emotes wouldn't miss them if they were taken away. Such people would be amused, and would imagine that they were the one's personally responsible for the emote's removal. Further, the misuse of innocent emotes for such a purpose would imply a high level of creativity, removing the emote would only inconvenience them for a short time. The problem being, that removing the emote would inconvenience everyone else permanently. I would not be surprised if a few individuals are actually trying to see how many words or emotes that they can get Kings Isle to remove. Indeed, I am sure that people make alts and do vulgar things in high traffic areas just to see how many reports they can get. Your opponents are like a rumor: the more attention you give them, the more you censor them, the more powerful they become.
The real way to stop this is for Kings Isle to not allow a person to know if they have been reported in game. The, "you have been reported," message only causes conscientious people to censor their own language or move to another location. The repeat or intentional offenders simply continue do vulgar things, because now they know they have an audience. The more warnings they get the larger they know their audience to be. It takes the fun out, if the rule breaker can't figure out how many people are paying attention, or which instance caused them to be muted or banned.
Of course you can simply ignore what I have said and continue to crusade for a Wizard101 that has all the character expression of an eight bit arcade game. Even if you win, people would still find vulgar things to do with their pixels.
I agree with this as well.
What overprotective parents don't understand is - your child doesn't always know what the big deal is. Parents have always found something to complain about - always. At one time, it was comic books. Why, those dirty, disgusting things were set to destroy the entire Earth!
Earth still turning. Move along.
(Bit of interesting info - the Comics Code Authority no longer exists. The last publisher to still feature their stamp of censo- ah, I mean, approval…stopped doing so last year. The world did not stop existing the day this happened.)
Do you realize how many times I've heard songs that were out when I was a kid only to realize what the lyrics were really about? I had no clue! One of my favorite games growing up was built around violence and blood. I'm an adult now and I'm doing great. I have a college education, I'm out on my own, I'm working a full time job, and I'm making good decisions for myself. None of the stuff that had the OP parents up in arms even left a scratch on me. I'm glad that my parents weren't so jumpy, who knows how I would have turned out if they had been. Thanks Mom and Dad for allowing me to grow into a strong individual...
Now, what did leave a "scratch" was bullying in real life - you know, the outside world that maybe 1 out of 50 kids venture into. That was painful. At this point, the term "bullying" has been stripped of all meaning.
Fact is, almost anything can become perverted over time. People who repeatedly break the rules like this do so because they know OP parents are going to get upset and scream. It gives them a couple giggles because you make it so easy.
You are doing your children a great disservice by coddling them. Instead of teaching your children how to grow up, you are teaching them that if they don't like something all they have to do is scream loud enough and it will be removed. You are, in essence, showing them how "big people" have tantrums.
Do your children a favor - help them stand on their own. Teaching them to go into cardiac arrest over literally every little thing is doing them so much harm, I can't even tell you. It's going to get so much worse and they are going to be so lost.
I'm not saying this isn't important but banning and removing everything is senseless. It's suffocating, it teaches nothing, it accomplishes nothing.
I started this thread because it was upsetting to me to see this emote used inappropriately. I am not a kid who doesn't understand what all the dancing and nasty comments are about. I am a grown woman who pays money to enjoy this game without being harassed in this way. It is not just pixels, it is the total lack of respect within the game between players that is bothersome to me. So, I am not a kid who needs to be toughened up in the ways of the world and wouldn't understand what was going on anyway. It is not right that any of the players young or old should be the victim of this kind of behavior. Maybe we should have the emote be something that can be used at home for dancing with pets and not be available for use in public places.
What overprotective parents don't understand is - your child doesn't always know what the big deal is. Parents have always found something to complain about - always.
Moxie, you may be an adult, but from the tone of your post, you are not a parent. Although I find the bulk of this post off topic I will still reply.
Give credit where credit is due. You might be surprised at what some kids do know or understand these days.
Off Topic
Do you realize how many times I've heard songs that were out when I was a kid only to realize what the lyrics were really about?
Music. Do you realize how many Albums, Tapes, and now CDs have been banned from some retailers just because the owner did not approve of the lyrics/indications those songs were giving? Quite a few infact.
Now, what did leave a "scratch" was bullying in real life - you know, the outside world that maybe1 out of 50 kids venture into. That was painful. At this point, the term "bullying" has been stripped of all meaning.
1 in 50 kids? Wow. Then I guess that means that 95% of the country's kids are Home Schooled. Where did you ever come up with this number. I have a grand daughter that was bullied through almost her entire life in school. Do you think that did not leave a mark. She lived with me and went to school so I know what I am talking about. She would come home from school on many days crying. She had money stolen from her, A brand new Coat stolen with in the first few days she wore it. Her locker was vandalized more times than I can count. Books damaged that we had to pay for since the person/s doing these things could not be identified at the time. Cell phones stolen in high School. Did I scream, No, but I did do something about it. Were the persons found that caused these things to happen, some of them were and not only were they punished by the school system, but they or their parents also had to repay for the damages caused or losses. Those persons were also further punished by their parents for their actions. As it turns out, I knew some of those parents personally. I also know that those parents had taught those kids better manners and to respect others and their property. Those kids today have learned that "crimes of any kind" will catch up with them in the end.
Fact is, almost anything can become perverted over time. People who repeatedly break the rules like this do so because they know OP parents are going to get upset and scream. It gives them a couple giggles because you make it so easy.
It might give them a couple of giggles for a little while, but eventually, it won't be so funny when it is time to "face the music" so to speak. For every action, there is a reaction.
You are doing your children a great disservice by coddling them. Instead of teaching your children how to grow up, you are teaching them that if they don't like something all they have to do is scream loud enough and it will be removed. You are, in essence, showing them how "big people" have tantrums.
Do your children a favor - help them stand on their own. Teaching them to go into cardiac arrest over literally every little thing is doing them so much harm, I can't even tell you. It's going to get so much worse and they are going to be so lost.
I'm not saying this isn't important but banning and removing everything is senseless. It's suffocating, it teaches nothing, it accomplishes nothing.
It is called being a responsible parent. Teaching your kids morals, what life really is all about and how to respect themselves and others in everyday life. These are the things that responisible parents do. Parents are also supposed to stand up for what is right when their child has been wronged.
On topic If you have read all of the posts regarding this issue, you will also notice that it has been suggested to KI if it is within their ability to do a slight alteration in the program, MAYBE, a proximity code can be installed to a couple of the emotes that would prevent the abuse.