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Teleport Effects and Emotes

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Hi there, can I just say first of all that I love the new emotes and teleport effects that have been coming out with the scroll of fortunes. They make it so much fun!

Could I suggest some things regarding them though?

1. Have more of Teleport Effects/Emotes for sale! I feel like they are very few and far between besides the ones on the Scroll of Fortune. I would love to see more of them emotes and teleport effects(especially school themed ones).

2. Let there be customizeable shortcuts!?! I would love to be able to just hit a button to be able to emote. (i.e. pressing 1-9, I think that would be fun to be able to do that)

3. Make an Animation cycle. The first few emotes do it once and then that's the end of it, the exception for this is the Wish Come True one that does it on repeat. I think that similiar to the Dance emotes that if you press it once that it should go on repeat until you move or do something else, but if we could space it out with some idle animation that would be good. So like every 30-60 seconds the Wizard eats an apple or blows on a dandelion. Not currently how it is with a one and done or a mad dash to pluck every dandelion in existence.

4. Focus on Particles and not objects for Teleport effects. I love the new Victory teleport except for the fact that there is the trophy. The most egregious of which I feel is the Cherry Blossom Tree. I would love a teleport effect of Cherry Blossoms but the tree it'self is a bit obnoxious. I feel the same way with the new Harvest Time teleport effect coming up. The organgy/yellow particles are amazing but the corn cob harvest looks like beer bottles falling out of corn stalks (as one Twitter user so eloquently put it). I would love to have the stars or the other particles only. I think that's why I love the Time to Leaf one so much (and use it exclusively on my Balance Wizard now I even use the Autumn Swarm mount now, but I want another Leaf mount like that that looks more like a little Tornado of leaves, sorry getting distracted.)

5. Allow for the teleport effects from old scrolls to show up someday. I missed out on the first Scroll of Fortune because I didn't know what it was and I missed that First Ice Teleport effect. I can't wait until it comes back!

6. Multiple/Randomize effects option. I have also heard some requests to allow Wizards to randomize which teleport effects are used/they want to be able to use more than one depending on location of where you teleport. I think that would be cool as well!

Thanks for reading the feedback!