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Super rare/unique drops like the amulet of divine influence?

Apr 14, 2022
From what I know, items like the amulet of divine influence once held a legendary status as an incredibly rare item, and it's still rare today I believe.

What if we introduced more items like this? Except instead of regular pieces of gear, they'd offer something unique: maybe a change in playstyle, something that could open your eyes to more unique strategies

For example, a legendary amulet drop could give a special global spell that provides universal school mastery while the global remains active

Or maybe these exclusive items could offer an untraditional buff that helps the wizards on their adventure.

For example, while a regular low level athame would provide health and mana at lower levels, a low level legendary athame drop could make the wizard have a 'will cast' precision/accuracy blade on themselves whenever they fizzle, and provide no additional stat bonuses

What do you think?