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Suggestions for Help Chat

We could use your suggestions for adding to the in-game Help Chat! Post below your ideas on what lines and questions we can include.

Jun 13, 2011
Ok. How's this?

1. "How do I use a Skeleton Key?"
2. "How do I get a Skeleton Key?"
3. "How do I use Enchantment Spells?"
4. "How do I use a Vault?"
5. "How do I use a Second Chance Chest?"
6. "How do I go to other worlds in the Spiral?"

That's what I could think about now. I'll think of more.

Feb 06, 2010
Professor Greyrose on May 11, 2016 wrote:
We could use your suggestions for adding to the in-game Help Chat! Post below your ideas on what lines and questions we can include.
How do I use Shadow Pips?
How do I get Training Points?
How do I use Shared Bank?

The Help question(s) should also correspond by which world you in. If I am in Dragonspyre for example, there is no "Golem Court" or "Fair Grounds".

Jun 13, 2011
I got more!

How do I get Dungeon credit?
How do I go to a Dungeon?
How do I go to a Gauntlet?
How do I use housing signs?
How do I use One-Shot Dungeons?
How do I use Housing Dungeons?
How do I use a housing game?
How do I use Elixirs?
How do I use Castle Blocks?

Feb 28, 2012
(a problem on one of my sub accounts!)

I can't sell because I'm at max cash. I can't buy because my backpack is full. I can't stuff anything else into my bank or shared bank. My TC's are almost maxed, I'm pretty sure I can't buy any more reagents, I've bred more pets than I can handle. Trashing items (or feeding them to a pet) takes forever. What do I do now?

Jun 13, 2012
One thing that really needs to be added somewhere in battle:
How do I deselect a card?
What is the percentage in the corner of my spells? (Accuracy)

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I'm not sure if these are already there. I keep forgetting to look while I'm in the game.

However, information about critical, pierce, block, shadow pips etc.

Just suggestions thanks!

Nov 22, 2010
once you're in battle, if you don't have words like thanks, okay, you're welcome, hi, and several others, in your favorites, you can't say them.

It would be real nice to have most, if not all, of the non-battle chatting options available in battle too.

May 31, 2011
Here's a little list:

1. How do I find treasure cards?
2. When do I know my plant will be elders?
Whatever people need most to be honest.

Jun 06, 2014
How do I find my friend using True Friend Codes?

Nov 14, 2015
grahambhg on May 17, 2016 wrote:
(a problem on one of my sub accounts!)

I can't sell because I'm at max cash. I can't buy because my backpack is full. I can't stuff anything else into my bank or shared bank. My TC's are almost maxed, I'm pretty sure I can't buy any more reagents, I've bred more pets than I can handle. Trashing items (or feeding them to a pet) takes forever. What do I do now?
put items into your bank or buy treasure cards and give them away, it'll free up your wallet enough to clear your backpack for new items and also you're paying it forward, meaning good karma, give the treasure cards away randomly in wizard city commons or something, hold a contest for 40 seraphs, something interesting :)

Jun 11, 2016
How do I get Crowns?
How do I get a mount?
How do I go to the Pet Pavilion?
How do I use the Crown Shop?

Jun 14, 2016
How do I get Arena Tickets?
How do I use the Bazaar?

Also add a note about Crowns videos and trivia for the answer to "How do I get crowns?"

Nov 22, 2015
Also, I think Menu Chat players should be able to see Text Chat. Not Open Chat, but Text Chat. Therefore, if they ask a question, it is easy for a Text Chatter to answer. Similarly, Text Chat players should be able to see Open Chat.

Oct 26, 2010
How do I get Shadow Enhanced Spells?
How do I get bundles?
How do I find what Prospector Zeke has lost?
How do I find Secret Trainers?
How do I get badges?
How do I find my main quest?

Jun 27, 2014
I think it might help if it was possible to add specific cheats to help chat like when you cannot feint or blade etc.
What cheats are in this fight?
Possible answers dont trap key, dont blade etc.
This would help everyone in the team as well as those with only menu chat. Allot of the times those without chat are left out of groups since many people feel they wouldnt be able to tell them what to do or not do especially like dungeons like darkmoor.

Oct 11, 2009
How do I use elixirs?
How do I change my badge?
How do I use the Team Up option?
How do I find my statistics?
How does my pet use May Cast spells?
How does my pet use Derby Talents?

Jun 23, 2016
I recently encountered a interesting help item. I was training with someone and they ran out of energy (Pet Training) and I had to gift them from the store energy since they have no Crowns.

A How to Gift would have been nice as it took several minutes and finally asking how do I do that to make it work.

Just a thought.


Dec 11, 2010
How do I mention how I got said item from said location or said monster/boss?
How can I tell others how much mana I have left in number?
How do I tell in battle that attacking causes them to target you?
What can I do if What I want to say isn't there?
What can I do to indicate that I have school_____ spell type____ in my hand e.g fire multi targeting
How do I play music?
Why do some wizards have strange casting signs I've never seen before and where can I get them?
How do I make a good deck?
What is yellow glow things next to my white pips?
How can I ask where you get that equipment from?
How can I communicate using true friend code?
How do I enter true friend code someone gave me?

Dec 11, 2010
I used to play a long time ago and now everything's changed, and new things are added that weren't there, where are the quests, tutorial bubbles for them?
Can I replay tutorial bubbles?
Can I replay, access old completed quest dialogues to refresh and re immerse myself in past experiences?

Feb 22, 2013
Professor Greyrose on May 11, 2016 wrote:
We could use your suggestions for adding to the in-game Help Chat! Post below your ideas on what lines and questions we can include.
How do I get the Rundown quest?

I did all the quest the spiral can find in Northguard Grizzlehei

Toothdaking Lv74

Feb 22, 2013
Sep 17, 2012
toothdaking on Dec 13, 2016 wrote:
How do I get the Rundown quest?

I did all the quest the spiral can find in Northguard Grizzlehei

Toothdaking Lv74
This belongs in the Grizzleheim thread. You need to have progressed far enough through Wintertusk to open the Dragon Gate in Sudrilund.

Nov 14, 2015
grahambhg on May 17, 2016 wrote:
(a problem on one of my sub accounts!)

I can't sell because I'm at max cash. I can't buy because my backpack is full. I can't stuff anything else into my bank or shared bank. My TC's are almost maxed, I'm pretty sure I can't buy any more reagents, I've bred more pets than I can handle. Trashing items (or feeding them to a pet) takes forever. What do I do now?
trash a few items, buy some high cost items and sell, the sell value is always lower, it will clear your inventory and keep you having cash just repeat when you have max cash again, buy a high cost item and sell some more, i've done it before where i bought like 6 items at 30k each and sold and got from 150 to 85 on inventory, you can also quicksell that way you empty your inventory quicker

Jul 17, 2009