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Suggestion for Game Launcher

Dec 04, 2013
It's a very minor change to implement I'd hope, but one that I think would be appreciated.

Can you please set cursor focus on starting the launcher to the Username field? Tabbing is supported at present so at least we can use that to move onto the Password Field. Going further and having the other controls get focus by continuing to tab would allow us to move over the Remember Username widget and onto the Play button and action it by pressing the Enter key.

No need to use the mouse to position around the launcher at all that way. It's the sort of thing that an application design would feature for a data entry form so why not our beloved launcher? Hope you agree.

Mar 18, 2009
Galen Hawktamer on Oct 1, 2019 wrote:
It's a very minor change to implement I'd hope, but one that I think would be appreciated.

Can you please set cursor focus on starting the launcher to the Username field? Tabbing is supported at present so at least we can use that to move onto the Password Field. Going further and having the other controls get focus by continuing to tab would allow us to move over the Remember Username widget and onto the Play button and action it by pressing the Enter key.

No need to use the mouse to position around the launcher at all that way. It's the sort of thing that an application design would feature for a data entry form so why not our beloved launcher? Hope you agree.
100% agree. Your suggestion was the previous default location of the cursor on the old launcher. Ever since this new launcher, it has required players to manually take the extra step to get the username box "activated". There is also the other issue with the launcher, that it will not always launch the game after you hit enter after submitting username and password (it will ding loudly a couple of times before it actually launches the game).