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Subscriber only badge and Goodies

Aug 29, 2009
Wizard Staff,

The Wizard birthday event got me thinking about some cool ways that you can thank us for being loyal subscribers.

1. Please implement a two tiered birthday club.

A. Trial players would receive in game one of the following items a treasure booster pack, a 100 crowns or a 1000 gold on their real life birthday and a message pop up from the Head Wizard or the Owl.

B. Subscribers would receive one of the items listed above and a pet or trinket, or housing item of some kind. Basically the subscribers gift pack should be better than the non subscribers gift pack.

2. I would like to see a special subscriber only badge that is awarded for each year that you have been a paid subscriber. This badge would also give us a special title and should different for each year that we have subscribed.

3. Along with the badge we should also be given a subscriber only pet of some sort. the first year would be a frog or something cute, 2nd year could be a bear or dragon, third year would be something else. This should be a unique pet that can only be obtained by being a subscriber.

Anyways these are some easy and cheap perks that will go along ways towards keeping us happy, and a happy subscriber is a lot more likely to renew their subscription for another year.

Please note that this message is intended for the Wizard Staff however everyone is encouraged to post their thoughts on this subject.