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Stitching pets and mounts

Jul 03, 2009
I'm sure this has been asked before, but why can't we stitch pets and mounts. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the mounts and pets, but when creating stitches these always seem to clash with the design. As great as the gulture mounts are, I really just want the strength boost and not a giant bird to ride around. As for the pets, I mostly pick ones with good pet cards but the look of the pet is rather lacking. There are tons of pets (especially the underused hybrid ones) that have great designs but terrible cards attached. I think this is a great way to get players excited about stitching again and utilized old mounts and pets.

Aug 03, 2014
Jack Firebreaker on Jun 29, 2019 wrote:
I'm sure this has been asked before, but why can't we stitch pets and mounts. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the mounts and pets, but when creating stitches these always seem to clash with the design. As great as the gulture mounts are, I really just want the strength boost and not a giant bird to ride around. As for the pets, I mostly pick ones with good pet cards but the look of the pet is rather lacking. There are tons of pets (especially the underused hybrid ones) that have great designs but terrible cards attached. I think this is a great way to get players excited about stitching again and utilized old mounts and pets.
I agree with you entirely!

To answer the question, I think the reason (this is the explanation I've heard repeatedly through the years) is that 'stitching living things is wrong'

That is why I suggest stitching a pet's cards or stitching a mount's stats - I don't want to upset anyone thinking too much about their cute ghultures being barbarically stitched hahaha

I'd love the cards from a pet to be able to be stitched and totally agree with you, if they could be then we'd see a much wider variety of pets around the Spiral. KI have designed such gorgeous pets but the lack of a blade (or other 'useful' card) means they're practically extinct as an actual questing pet.

As for mounts, maybe they could allow the stats to be stitched or maybe they could make another mount slot - one for riding and one for battle stats? IDK, but I agree with your point about mounts too. I have tons of mounts including stat mounts. I'd like the stat bonus for battles but enjoy changing which mounts I am riding about on because it's fun to use a variety not just what boosts our stats best.

Jul 03, 2009
Victoria FireHeart on Jul 1, 2019 wrote:
I agree with you entirely!

To answer the question, I think the reason (this is the explanation I've heard repeatedly through the years) is that 'stitching living things is wrong'

That is why I suggest stitching a pet's cards or stitching a mount's stats - I don't want to upset anyone thinking too much about their cute ghultures being barbarically stitched hahaha

I'd love the cards from a pet to be able to be stitched and totally agree with you, if they could be then we'd see a much wider variety of pets around the Spiral. KI have designed such gorgeous pets but the lack of a blade (or other 'useful' card) means they're practically extinct as an actual questing pet.

As for mounts, maybe they could allow the stats to be stitched or maybe they could make another mount slot - one for riding and one for battle stats? IDK, but I agree with your point about mounts too. I have tons of mounts including stat mounts. I'd like the stat bonus for battles but enjoy changing which mounts I am riding about on because it's fun to use a variety not just what boosts our stats best.
I agree, stitching living things does sound morbid, we could always come up with a more clever naming convention. Considering this is a magical game, the sky is the limit for what we could call this method of stitching. Something like Uniting or fusing could lessen the backlash. But I'm sure players would welcome any form of customizing their wizard further.