Scroll of fortune gems need to be No Shatter. The Fall scroll gem is guardian wall. Spring has a fairy gem that appears to be unrecoverable. These gems are part of the package. Please make a way to recover these gems. Socket wrenches should be able to recover gems at least.
Scroll of fortune gems need to be No Shatter. The Fall scroll gem is guardian wall. Spring has a fairy gem that appears to be unrecoverable. These gems are part of the package. Please make a way to recover these gems. Socket wrenches should be able to recover gems at least.
Agreed. Any jewel that can only be obtained via Crowns should be "No Shatter".
Mortal toil onyx is a special case, thats a krogger jewel. He is no shatter cuz he came from a gift card. But i must ask why not the happy accident jewel for the spring scroll and the fortress jewel last fall.Mortal toil was a good idea keep going on that way
I know Mortal Toil is No Shatter. I purposefully did not list it. I bought the Scroll for Fall, Winter and Spring across my account. I just want everyone to be aware that the gems from the Fall and Spring are not from what I have seen and should be. As part of the Scroll they should be recoverable. Jewels should be recoverable for crowns if necessary.