I was wondering since there are seven schools right now, i thought there should be seven characters max so there could be one character for each of the schools. I don't like missing out on having an ice character while i have all the other schools too :( :( :( :( :( :( Someone plz reply and agree with me because i think this should be changed. Also if a W101 moderator sees this could you comment too???
no pala, he's saying that you can only create 6 wizards for one account, so you have to miss out on one school. he's suggesting that you should create a second.
No BaileyBaxter is saying why cant your max of wizards be 7. I do agree. For fun i made Wizards in all schools except Myth. But you could also make another account. And BaileyBaxter you shouldnt miss out on an Ice Wizard
Do you mean "ice people can only use ice skills" "Life can only use life" or something like 2 classes per class instead all or some classes?
Palatemist, you're COMPLETELY lost.
What s/he means is that you can have up to 6 characters max on one account, but it's not fair that you have to miss out on one character if you wanted to have 1 of each school, so they should increase the character max up to 7.
Which I totally agree on. I have to share an account with my brother and sister (who stubbornly wants 2 wizards instead of one) just because I have a paid account, and for some reason my mom doesn't want to pay for more even with the Family Plan lol, maybe because of the ecomony..... so that leaves ONLY 2 characters for myself. :( My brother is happy with 1 wizard and I want 1 more so PLZ KI, consider this idea!!!!!!
I may not have stated that correctly. Just look at some of the other replies. They seem like they know what I'm talking about :) :) :) -Natalie Crowshard 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
i ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it hurts 2 not have a fire wizard. but then again all i see is fire wizards these days we want seven not six in the room there is 6 chairs and 1 place in the center on the rug 6 + 1 = 7! awesome eh? :D EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 22 ice goddess 8)