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Revered Weapons are pretty bad

Feb 25, 2012
In comparison to the sinbad boarding hook wands, the revered crafting wands are just inferior in almost every respect except damage. I really think that if these wands are "revered", extremely difficult to make considering the reagents, and story-wise should be one of the best wands in the game, they should be buffed. I really think that they should have more critical, the damage is fine since it is comparable to the sinbad wands. However, they have drastically less critical which seems completely pointless since (almost) everyone uses critical. If these are really "revered", then it should be better than a random wand from this cat that took us to a metal island. I think if they had 110 critical at revered would be more than fair. Those wands take a lot of work to make; even if they give energy bonus or fishing luck, those don't matter in combat at all. Overall, they are simply bad in comparison, and something that takes that much work should be rewarded much better in my opinion.

May 01, 2010
I'm rather disappointed as well; I put many hours of my time and effort into finally crafting the Revered weapon only to find it a direct downgrade from the Sinbad pack wands. Yes, it was still satisfying and I proudly wear my Revered Crafter badge, but I wish it was at least comparable to the Sinbad wand instead of simply being worse.

Aug 18, 2011
yes, I was also disappointed. I'd gladly skip pip conversion to get more critical. The damage is nice, but otherwise they are lackluster.

Sep 18, 2009
I agree, crafted gear was only really good around avalon through kryhsalis, after and before those worlds the crafted gear really kind of sucks. I think that for the incredible effort of having gone through all the crafting quests, the revered gear should get an upgrade and live up to it's name and actually be revered