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reset attributes of the pet

May 15, 2012
Recently I came up with a certain idea, for lovers of getting certain attributes for the pet, mainly for the sand. I'd like to suggest the idea of ​​adding a new attribute reset option. For example, I was trying to get a pet with triple damage and double resistance and in several attempts I had spoiled the pet in mega, first it gave me a critic in mega and with another pet it gave me Dominate fire sword in mega then as I am not wanting criti I suggest that there is the possibility of being able to change the failed attribute of the pet, for another one that the pet could have given. In this case, my pet has the third damage but it has come out to dominate the fire sword, so eliminate or simply change for the other attribute that I want to choose which in this case would be the third damage of the pet and to do this there are the following options , something that they can add some other way if they agree but I suggest 1) for those who are club to be able to change the attribute with gold with a sum of 250k per attribute and for those who are not club that can do it but with crowns ( the amount of crowns they request depends on you)