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Recover items and recycle items.

Aug 26, 2015
Wizard sell items,trash items,feed pet or use quick sell items. Wizard do mistake sell,trash,feed a pet losing item forever. Create a npc (item house) for recover a item.Limits: you only can recover until 20 items each week (this is for recover items no save).Recover a item cost gold depend as you erase item. Trash item (0), sell or quick sell (gold cost when sell and add 1000 gold) ,pet feed (1000 gold).You can recover a item until 2 weeks.Recycle items (new idea) remove points and pay 1000 gold.

If a evil wizard destroy a wizard and delete all the items or a glitch delete a item, and wizard can not remember all the items. Backpack item should have this.Create a rescue list. What is it?. Easy, allow create a list as archive.This list contain all items(type items with count) what you have in the backpack,houses,attic,gift window,shared bank,bank,backpack in any place from one wizard character with day, month and year (list creation). With this list, is much more easy recover items and more faster fix this type of problems.

New npc in the drains. Recycle items, obtain points recycle items and obtain new items with points.Obtain new badge recycle items and new items.Limit: you can not recycle crowns items,pets and mounts and no trash items and locked items.