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Question on making family plan

May 03, 2009
Okay so I have a subscribed account(10 dollars a month) and only been for a week. But now my little sister wants to play too. I checked the price and it would costs me 6.95 plus tax to add her account.

Question: Will the next billing (next month) cost me 17 dollars? or is it going to change to 6.95 dollars per account?

Mark NightRider from the Balance School.

That is an excellent question, and one that many other students have!

When subscribing a family plan, if you don't complete 2 or more monthly subscriptions in a single transaction, the first subscription will bill at $9.95. Any subsequent subscriptions for other accounts will bill immediately at the $6.95 price. When the first account then renews (automatically until cancelled), it will bill at the $6.95 like all the others.

In short, your $9.95 account will renew at the $6.95 price (plus $6.95 for your 2nd account = $13.90 per month for 2 family accounts).

Please let me know if you have further questions!

May 03, 2009
Thank you very much, MrLincoln! :D

Mark NightRider from the Balance School.