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posiability of many more worlds

Jul 21, 2009
Ok, right now celestia is coming out sometime in the future and you get the preview quest from the storm teacher. I also read online that there may be a new world called candy world where the ice teacher is from and posiably the gobblers to. If there is such a place then we might get the quest from the ice teacher like the one for celestia. I thought that maybe there will be a new world for each of the teachers and the headmaster/gamma. Like maybe there could be a death world thats like wizard city but is dead and abandoned but is filled with undead wizards. You could get the quest for the death teacher.

There could also be a fire world but not like dragon spyre and it could be where the fire elementals are from. If candy land does exsist, then there would be to ice worlds. Why not let there be two fire? The life world could be a world of forests and and the people could be native american style and believe in preserving there soroundings .The threat could be creatures that wish to make a earth/city style world out of the forests.

The myth world could be like cyclops lane be the buildings could be roman style and the final boss could be like the emporor of the world. The head master could come from a futureistic world with robots and flying cars and other things like that. I have no ideas for a balance school but it should be a lot different then Krokotopia. Since balance doesn't spicificly relate to egyept or egyeption style things, it could be a lot different.

The cheating tower to get to each of the worlds could be in a corisponding world. The balance tower could be in krokotopia, the fire tower could be in Drangon Spyre, the ice tower could be in grizzlhim, and the life tower could be in mooshu. This could lead to lots of posiable new worlds.

May 19, 2009
How about a swamp or africa themed world, for the kroks or alligators.... pfft whatever they are. They did invade the manders world and take it over didnt they? So shouldnt they get there own world too.

Maybe someone who know s the differnce between the 2 can post where kroks live?

Jul 21, 2009
DarthNexus wrote:
How about a swamp or africa themed world, for the kroks or alligators.... pfft whatever they are. They did invade the manders world and take it over didnt they? So shouldnt they get there own world too.

Maybe someone who know s the differnce between the 2 can post where kroks live?

As an answer to your question, crokidiles live in warmer climates because they are very sencitive to the cold while alligators live in fresh water rivers and marshes. Also, the alligator has a wide snout which adds to a more powerful bite while the crokidile has a long narrow snout which makes it bite powerful but not as much as the one of a alligator.

I forgot about how the kroks came to krokatopia.