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please impliment a way to give players a choice for storyline stuff

Nov 22, 2010
Here's an example of where there really needs to be a way to choose your character's actions. In wysteria, you have to lose your ravenwood ring.

The storyline forces your character to be extremely stupid and leave the ring in an unprotected, unlocked, dresser drawer.

There needs to be an option at that point so that the player can choose if their character will do that or not - and if they choose not to, then there needs to be something else that happens - maybe they get ambused and hit over the head - so that they still lose the ring.

There are many, many places in all the worlds where the charcter should have an option for what actions they are going to take - and with a little creative storyline development all the options can eventually lead to the same destination.

Since KI is now owned by a new game company, and revisions are being made to things, please revamp the storyline from wizard city on to add choices, options, and side quests that are only available if one choice is made by not the other.