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Please add option to abandon a quest!

Jul 13, 2016
I have been playing this game off and on since it's inception. This has come up many many times and probably been discussed before but I'm going to bring it up again...why on Earth in 11 years can you guys not put in an abandon quest button? It cannot be that hard to do. So many times I've accidentally picked up a side quest I don't want to do or even a side dungeon like helephant which no one does anymore, and you're stuck with it in your quest log FIREVER! EVERY rpg in existence in the history of gaming has an abandon or cancel quest option, and if you WANT to do the quest later, you just go back to that npc and accept it again. So simple, yet 11 yrs later Wizard doesn't have it. Now I realize on non story quests you have the option to decline but mistakes happen ok....PLEASE add an abandon quest option. You're literally the only game that doesn't have it. Thanks for your consideration!

Dec 29, 2018
Very late but I agree, I have loads of quest that I more likely wont get back too.
Id be nice to implement this

Feb 07, 2010
It has the potential for people to abuse it for quests with multiple goals and a reward in the middle instead of the end. Also, sometimes an NPC will disappear, which would need to be figured out.

Dec 22, 2008
Blutrane on Oct 3, 2019 wrote:
I have been playing this game off and on since it's inception. This has come up many many times and probably been discussed before but I'm going to bring it up again...why on Earth in 11 years can you guys not put in an abandon quest button? It cannot be that hard to do. So many times I've accidentally picked up a side quest I don't want to do or even a side dungeon like helephant which no one does anymore, and you're stuck with it in your quest log FIREVER! EVERY rpg in existence in the history of gaming has an abandon or cancel quest option, and if you WANT to do the quest later, you just go back to that npc and accept it again. So simple, yet 11 yrs later Wizard doesn't have it. Now I realize on non story quests you have the option to decline but mistakes happen ok....PLEASE add an abandon quest option. You're literally the only game that doesn't have it. Thanks for your consideration!
would be nice to be able to right click to remove. and then have a button under quests to recall side quests you have departed from.

Oct 24, 2015
I think the problem is that nothing in this game was ever designed to work backwards. I'm not saying they shouldn't change it. This is a function that should have been part of the game years ago, and almost every other game does support it. I have doubt they'll overhaul the system for this though.

I have one quest from the krok area I've had for like 80 levels cause I didn't realize It was for a side dungeon that no one ever did in the krok area. I might go back and solo it just to get rid of it. My quest log is otherwise very clean and I get a bit OCD if it goes passed 2 pages. Sifting through pages and having stuff pile up is not my thing.

Jun 23, 2013
I agree, I find it very difficult to keep track of all my main quests or ones that I just simply want to do when I have my quest inbox flooded with usless sidequests from mulitple worlds ago. I would greatly appreciate this feature .

Level 42 Luke Spirit Shard

Feb 25, 2009
This is something that would create a major bottle neck for Support. Too many players would "accidentally" delete a quest they really need. Support needs to be able to concentrate on actual issues for a player rather than trying to recover deleted quests.