when i was training my pet in the pet pavilion i got this idea, what if your pets went on adventures on there own! a evil bunch of pets has stolen lots rare pet eggs, you track them down to a small hole where you cant fit into, but your pet can... you could control your pet and battle the evil pets and save the eggs! the gameplay could be a scaled down version of a wizard battle, the spells your pet casts could depend on what school it is, (e.g ice hound is ice so it knows ice spells) what its stats are (strength, intelligance, speed, will and power) and the spells from the talents it already knows.
when i was training my pet in the pet pavilion i got this idea, what if your pets went on adventures on there own! a evil bunch of pets has stolen lots rare pet eggs, you track them down to a small hole where you cant fit into, but your pet can... you could control your pet and battle the evil pets and save the eggs! the gameplay could be a scaled down version of a wizard battle, the spells your pet casts could depend on what school it is, (e.g ice hound is ice so it knows ice spells) what its stats are (strength, intelligance, speed, will and power) and the spells from the talents it already knows.
i think maybe it could be for adult onwards since a few things already happen at that level (e.g being able to hatch)
i though of an example of a pet adventure level:
location: grizzleheim in ravenscar, hole located in a glacier. mission objective: get to the tower at the end of the icy forest and beat the boss! common foes: frosty feline (ice cat) school ice, rank adult rare foes: icy barker (icehound) school ice, rank adult elite boss: frost lord (ice wraith hybrid pet) school ice, rank ancient boss
the pet egg reward could depend on how well you did and what school you are, you could also get pet exp from the foes(makes pet training a tiny bit better) anyone else want to give a pet adventure idea?
good job guys! keep the ideas coming! i got another one:
location: munched tiny hole in collosus boulevard mission objective: baby gobblers have taken over the pet play area! clear them all out! then head for the leader! common foes: red gobbler school:ice rank:baby rare foes: purple gobbler(basically a red gobbler with suger rush! :D) school:storm rank:baby elite boss: cranky baby gobbler school:myth rank:baby boss
the gobblers am talking about are the small round kind (which you can see in the hatchery with the piggle or in the crowns shop) reward for beating boss: egg reward for beating boss and clearing out ALL the gobblers:rare egg plus pet xp boost