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Jun 19, 2009
My friend had a party in her new house (in wizard101) there were a lot of her friends and when we got there there was nothing to do it was so boring! I was thinking can the gamemasters build a party sistem or items for your house like a music centre or an old record player from marleybone that could play different wizard101 music.

Dec 13, 2009
Dec 13, 2009
Wow. That would seriously be a whole bunch of fun and you could throw an awesome party with that.

Aug 12, 2009
Hmmmmm................ That sounds REALLY cool and I think it would be aswesome to have something like that in Wizard101. Beck about a year ago I played Toontown online and they had party syestms but it cost money every time you had a party. I think that if Wizzard101 made party stuff they should make it where you only have to pay like 1000 coins to get the party reserved at like an area where you had like a theme from diffrent lands of the spiral and each themed area would cost more money than the others, like Wizard Central would be like 1000 coins and 100 coins more for every party favor or party game or decoration or a jukebox or something like that and for Krokotobia like 1500 coins to reserve a party and 200 coins for each additional favor etc; for Marleybone 2500 for reservations 300 for each additional favor etc; for Mooshu 3000 coins for reservation 450 for each additional favor etc; for Dragonspyre 5000 coins for reservation 600 for each additional favor etc; for Grizzleheim 4000 coins for reservations 150 for each additional foavor etc; AND for Celsteia whenever that gets released....... 4000 CROWNS for reservations 200 CROWNS for each additional favor etc; This to me would be the funnest thing they could add to Wizard101 (besides the pets of course ;) and I would love to see this added!

Mar 01, 2010
Funny! I came up with that exact same idea. But I told what to do.

Serch for: Party in castle
Section: Dorms

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